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  1. sansonoma

    Electrify America Issues

    Will give it a shot!
  2. sansonoma

    Mobile Key no longer recognized / detected - can't lock car with mobile key or by pushing in handle on door

    I must now report (happily) that I solved "what is going on" in my case of the "keys and doors blues." I was having the same symptoms as @OCDC and @cyberwife. I found one of our fobs under the front passenger carpet. I removed that and everything went back to normal. It's a bit embarrassing...
  3. sansonoma

    Electrify America Issues

    EA adventures this weekend shook my faith. I must say, though, the EA employees I get on the phone are terrific, helpful, and answer immediately. That is the best part of EA. But it would not be necessary to call them, except - well, my trip today from LA to Palo Alto illustrates: Kettleman...
  4. sansonoma

    Mobile Key no longer recognized / detected - can't lock car with mobile key or by pushing in handle on door

    ONLY after the update to improve the doors, have I had this same exact problem with the doors. This must be some new and novel definition of "improve" that I am not aware of.
  5. sansonoma

    Electrify America Issues

    Sadly, the Kettleman EA chargers - all TEN of them - are not working and haven't been for days. I decamped to Lost Hills, where only one stall was working and being used. All the other chargers would not either recognize a Lucid or accept payment. It took a call to EA to get them to push juice...
  6. sansonoma


    I always unplug, I thought it said so, but maybe I am just in that habit.
  7. sansonoma


    The update was seamless here...all of them have...I feel a bit guilty
  8. sansonoma

    Electrify America Issues

    And the next day, it was great
  9. sansonoma

    Electrify America Issues

    I moved to another unit and it charged automatically
  10. sansonoma

    Electrify America Issues

    At the Kettleman EA two days ago, I was one of THREE Lucid Airs stopping there for a charge. It turned out that the other two were Lucid engineering vehicles being driven by Lucid folks doing tests on EA installations. They had all kinds of exotic equipment and wires in the trunk. It turns...
  11. sansonoma

    Electrify America Issues

    Kettleman, CA today. Arrived with 51% remaining, 20 min preconditioning, and this time it did not say the current was limited by the car or station. Seems to me that this is the expected current given the SOC. Happy to be corrected.
  12. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Just try 70-75 on flat highways; I am sure you'll get over 400 - I do. It will depend on how aggressively to get on the road, etc. If someone flips you off for going 70, that says something about them, not you.
  13. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Well, yes, you are right, but that was the point. It is converted into heat, so same amount but in a different state. Thermodynamics.
  14. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    When I commute from my home to my office ....3 miles round trip ... I get the same as you, even if that's 30 -35 mph at best. It's the inertia of a two-and-a-half-ton vehicle. At each stop, one has to lose all that energy (about 250 kilojoules, the momentum of a Lucid at 35 mph = 31558.8 kg·m/s)...
  15. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Thanks. They told me 450 also, and that is the only disappointment I've had with this car. Nevertheless, I reliably get about 400-420 miles on this trip at 70mph max. I think that if I didn't have to cross two mountain ranges, I would be up to 460-470. I am also sure I would be around 500 miles...
  16. sansonoma

    Driving To San Francisco from Laguna Hills

    I do UCLA to Palo Alto almost weekly. I have the same car specifications as you. My drive distance is 350 miles. I can get there on one charge but will have just 50-20 miles or so left. So, I take I-5 and top up in Kettleman. It's a great EA station close to a fantastic burrito place. I have...
  17. sansonoma

    Driving To San Francisco from Laguna Hills

    And a very good thread here:
  18. sansonoma

    Driving To San Francisco from Laguna Hills

    There is an extensive thread about this here:
  19. sansonoma

    Lucid vs Tesla

    Well, for me, NOT having Netflix, Disney +, watching star wars while you charge, a nighttime light show, or Santa sleigh mode, are distinct advantages of the Lucid. I actually prefer Lucid software because it is mostly about driving. I owned a 2022 Model S and never used those things. But to...