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  1. sansonoma

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    2.1.10 seems to be a success with respect to HA. Traveled from Palo Alto to Tahoe, yesterday, mostly on HA on I-80. All my earlier HA problems are corrected. Good job, Lucid!
  2. sansonoma

    2.1.10 OTA Update (7/24/23)

    Ahh, if only that worked for me. It did work great before 2.1.3, not after. Hopefully it will after 2.1.10.
  3. sansonoma

    2.1.10 OTA Update (7/24/23)

    I received 2.1.10. Tried HA. On a short trip, it seemed to be much improved. Will test this, again, on a trip to Tahoe this weekend and report. Perhaps this was more than a simple re-numbering? Hope so.
  4. sansonoma

    OTA 2.1.10

    Very good,. Perhaps this will clesr up my HA issues that arrived with 2.1.3. I commend Lucid for its responsiveness and you for positing the info.
  5. sansonoma

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    Great, maybe this will fix my HA issues I got with 2.1.3! I usually get updates 48 hours after seeing them here.
  6. sansonoma

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    Same issues until I installed 2.1.3
  7. sansonoma

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    I agree and its really sad because HA was SO GOOD before.
  8. sansonoma

    Lane Centering ADJUSTMENTS in highway assist/Dream Drive

    My thoughts, precisely. I didn't believe it myself. I am using HA - the screen lights up and confirms. But it does - and I was amazed because it never did it before - cross a lane with warning or resistance while the HA was confirmed to be engaged. It doesn't do it all the time, just...
  9. sansonoma

    Lane Centering ADJUSTMENTS in highway assist/Dream Drive

    That's was what I used to do.....doesn't work...but its even worse. Even while holding the wheel, you introduce some asymmetry and so then you are wobbling down the highway without even any resistance as it drifts across lanes without even a normal alert.
  10. sansonoma

    Lane Centering ADJUSTMENTS in highway assist/Dream Drive

    Will do....its not that it biases, it crosses the lane. I cannot hold the wheel in HA because any hold introduces some turning force, and then off into another lane I go! Worse, there is no resistance or warning when it crosses a lane. Then, i goes back to working for a while, then it...
  11. sansonoma

    Lane Centering ADJUSTMENTS in highway assist/Dream Drive

    I have to say this feature (Manual Lane Biasing) is a HUGE problem. I simmply cannot keep my hand on the wheel now without HA biasing so much that it bounces between lines nad even crosses lines without nary a whine or signal. If I place my hands very lightly, I get a warning every 15 seconds...
  12. sansonoma

    2.1.3 Update

    2.1.3 last night. No problems and I love the get in and out feature. I want to thank the beta testers who found the arrors in 2.1.2
  13. sansonoma

    A question for those with higher mileage Lucids

    Almost 12,000 miles and nary a squeak. I also checked the gaps and they are the same as the day I picked it up. It is a stellar car. Other electric cars go "boing, boing, boing", but the Lucid does "shhhhhhhh". (If you remember that reference, you are as old as me.)
  14. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    That's terrific. I think I would get the same if I did 70 mph the whole way. I did 65 once and got 4.0 over 100 miles. Temperature and speed, I guess.
  15. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    I agree..this is recent on a warm day (78 degrees) on a steady 75mph drive
  16. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    On my recent trips, given the WILD temperature swings we've had, it has made clear the big effect temperature has on range. If the temp is 75 or more, I easily get 3.6 - 3.7 MI/kWh. IF it is below 60, it is more like 3.2-3.4. (75 MPH, Palo Alto to UCLA, 19 in wheels). Where is summer?
  17. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Wow, indeed. I have an AGT with 19" wheels. Up to about 4K miles, I got 3.4 over the drive from Palo Alto to LA. Recently, however, I got 3.6 - 3.7 as I approach 10K miles. Same driving. The difference could be related to temperature. Then I drove when the temp was in the mid-'50s., now is...
  18. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Well, you are almost forced to do that on I-5! But, no, I was doing a steady 75 MPH almost the whole time and still did the whole trip with more than 10% to spare. Something has changed.
  19. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    Nope, a steady cross wind. But the range has been improving steadily as I approach 10K miles. This is yesterday:
  20. sansonoma

    Range Performance SF to LA

    I got very good range yesterday heading north on the I-5. Never got to 3.8 mi/kWhr before. I seem to be getting more range (reported) after the last update and can now get from UCLA to Palo Alto with 80 miles left. Does anyone else experience that?