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  1. M

    Lucid customer service experiences

    Scheduling was a breeze for me. I was able to get in same day for a potentially serious issue, which required scheduling a follow up for the next week due to the holidays. Unfortunately my car I've had for a month will be out 2+ weeks as they try and get parts. Customer service can only cover...
  2. M

    Drive System Fault

    I drove about 50 miles with it on yesterday and it was still there. The upshot is there was no performance difference that I could tell. But I’m still skittish about taking the car on a road trip with it there.
  3. M

    EA is a f**kng joke

    Station in Pasadena is a joke. Four machines, one hasn't worked for week. When I called last week the rep said all four had open tickets. No ETA on getting anyone out. also it constantly has "complementary mode" turned on, so people park at it and just idle. Last time I was there three of the...
  4. M

    Charging cable locking

    Super unintuitive for sure. that said, I also had the car just not let go when I was at an EA station. I had to do the manual release from under the hood.
  5. M

    Drive System Fault

    I got a drive system fault today as well. Mine is different, it's the "amber" color and my car still works. I called tech support and they don't seem terribly concerned about it which bothers me. I'm supposed to be driving out of town on Friday but now I don't really trust my ability to take the...