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  1. Halodde

    Charging in the winter

    I should add that I've tried multiple charge port covers and none work well. Magnets are useless and the suction cup ones don't stay in place.
  2. Halodde

    Charging in the winter

    Reviving this thread now that there's more cars out there that might have this same issue. I have to park and charge outside in the winter in Buffalo. Does anyone know of: 1. A good charge port cover that will stay in place in a winter storm? 2. How to clear out snow and ice that prevents...
  3. Halodde

    Limited regen

    Happened to me once but the regen just quit. Service was unable to give me a reason why. It did not appear to be temp or SOC related. All they told me was that the car behaved as it was supposed to to protect the battery.
  4. Halodde

    Great radar detector mount!

    I don't think it has anything to do with the mount or the power but of course that's possible. My theory is that having the detector in that location is making it pick up some reflected laser signals from the lidar in the car. Just guessing of course. Does tesla use lidar?
  5. Halodde

    Great radar detector mount!

    Probably not. I'm guessing that the location of the radar detector mount is making it pick up signals from our own cars' lidar. We might be SOL
  6. Halodde

    Great radar detector mount!

    Does anyone else using this mount have a lot of false positive laser signals from the Valentine?
  7. Halodde

    Limited regen

    I can understand why you might feel that way. To me it's not annoying though. I'm just trying to understand it so that I can make appropriate decisions on my driving. And if things change, I would like to know about them and potentially even why
  8. Halodde

    Limited regen

    I'll admit that it's possible that the regen in colder temperatures did not change from last winter but I perceive it to be less this year because of the indication on the dashboard. I don't think that's the case but it is possible
  9. Halodde

    Limited regen

    I feel like they changed something from last year/winter. I drove my car all last winter in upstate NY weather and not once did I notice a reduction in regen due to cold weather. Now, this year, it is definitely noticeable (and clearly stated) that the regen is limited in colder weather. I...
  10. Halodde

    Surreal sound pro recommendations needed

    I think I read that too. But I'm not exactly an audiophile so I don't know where to get the Atmos tracks to put on the USB drive. Do you have any idea?
  11. Halodde

    Surreal sound pro recommendations needed

    Evening all. I know many of you use Tidal for music due to the Atmos option. I don't have Tidal and am looking for alternative ways to experience all that SSP has to offer. Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to listen to Atmos music to enjoy SSP? Thanks in advance!
  12. Halodde

    Issues with my car

    Crap. I completely forgot about those vent flaps freezing closed. Last year I kept hearing a loud clicking/clunking coming from the front of the car when mine froze shut. But my car never bricked as a result. Please keep us (at least me) posted on the cause. If it was the flaps, I imagine...
  13. Halodde

    Road Noise and Glass canopy heat transmission concerns

    I took out the driver's side sunshade a couple of months ago because I was thinking it would keep me a little warmer in the winter without having to crank the heat. But in the freezing temps, I'm wondering if putting it back in might help reduce the heat loss through the roof. On that note...
  14. Halodde

    2025 Pure RWD Infinite Black Tinted

    How are you feeling about the Air compared to the Ford?
  15. Halodde

    Picture album of your Air next to other brand EVs

    First time seeing one of these. I didn't check if it was a '24 or' 25. Nice looking car fo sho!
  16. Halodde

    Air 2025 - Misc. Questions From A Newbie

    I only have an answer for the last question like @DeaneG said above. Push the mic button on the steering wheel and say 'Tune the bridge' or 'play classic vinyl'. (I have to push the button because I have voice activation for hey lucid turned off)
  17. Halodde

    Lucid Touring Observation

    I'm not that experienced. I just drive a ton. Lol I'm pretty sure that is correct for when we got our cars. I got mine in March last year. But if EA's network is not communicating with Lucid's, it might try to charge you when it shouldn't. Maybe check with Lucid for reimbursement?
  18. Halodde

    Lucid Touring Observation

    Not EPA but pretty close. It's really not unachievable. Touring also
  19. Halodde

    Lucid isn't the only luxury EV manufacturer with growing pains

    Interesting article posting for perspective
  20. Halodde

    How to disable scheduled charging?

    You can usually start a charge in the app even without disabling it. There is/was a button on the charging tab in the app to 'start charge' whenever the car is plugged in