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  1. L

    Service Issues

    I was feeling bad for myself having contacted Customer Care 5 times in 23 days and have yet to hear from Service but 2 months is shocking. So sorry you've had that experience (or complete lack of experience). (I'm in Pennsylvania, so this problem isn't isolated to just ATL.)
  2. L


    lolol Says a lot about the haggling possibilities when the answer seems to be "some people got pencils". FWIW the pencils are like $27 for a dozen retail and they're...fine.
  3. L


    For me, the bag+hat+water bottle came in the car (the two items in the bag). The pencils came months earlier and I suspect were a one-off promotion.
  4. L

    [SOLVED] Seat “Restore” not working

    My "RESTORE" stopped working an update or two ago. Mirrors and steering wheel adjustments automatically work fine when switching profiles but the seats don't. I spoke with Customer Care on Monday and they said it was worthy of a Mobile Tech contact. I asked about some sort of reboot fixing this...
  5. L

    EA Megathread

    This happened to me--once (a week ago). Preconditioned, which I always do. 350kw unit, which I always try to use. Charged for ~5 seconds and then gave a critical error. Cleared on reboot. Repeated whole thing once. Yesterday I hit another 350kw unit at the same station and had no problems...
  6. L

    Coefficient of Drag for Touring & Pure..... What does this mean?

    As I understand it... As the drag measures how much the vehicle catches the wind (as MHDave said), the inverse means an implication on how much effort (i.e., power) is required to move the car, especially at higher speeds. If you have two cars of identical weight the one with a lower coefficient...
  7. L

    Drive system fault

    I charged at the same station exactly a week ago. I'm almost certain I used the exact, same device, without issue for 24 minutes. I've done maybe 20 EA charge sessions on the Lucid, at 5 different stations. This is the lone problem (I am one of the lucky ones on that front, I gather). Maybe 17...
  8. L

    Drive system fault

    FWIW I just had this happen to me. Same EA station I've used ~20 times over 6 months without a single problem. Connected, authenticated, started to charge, shut off after ~15 seconds with "Drive System Fault" (note: no turtle). I did a reboot and the fault cleared. Tried again at the same box...
  9. L

    2.0.18 - Highway Assist Experiences

    FYI the palpable pulsing of acceleration on ACC was present before v2.
  10. L

    2.0.15 - The MOAU - Mother Of All Updates

    Just got my notice. I am unreasonably excited. Do we think BOTH key fobs are supposed to be inside the car? (The direction say "key fob" and I'm a writer so read it specifically.)
  11. L

    Software Update 2.0.19

    I had this experience going from 1.2.21 -> 2.0.13. The car still said 1.2.21 but Lucid said it showed as 2.0.13 on their side. I went ahead and updated to 2.0.14 and now the car shows that version correctly.
  12. L

    Lucid Air charging rate on 350 KW fast charger

    Interesting. Could you explain how we know that falling off fast from 300 is a sign of a problem or that my remaining charge sessions are very sub-standard?
  13. L

    New Member Intro. Early Delivery Offered?

    Sorry...I meant more like "how much time do you spend looking at your wheels?" I get that some people really prefer the 21" aesthetically or think the 19"s are ugly; that's just not how I feel.
  14. L

    New Member Intro. Early Delivery Offered?

    FWIW I have the standard (non-performance) GT with 19" wheels and would absolutely choose the same again. That some people want this car to be faster blows my mind. It's stupid fast. (I know there's also an aesthetic argument, but how often do you see your wheels?)
  15. L

    Lucid Air charging rate on 350 KW fast charger

    I have not opened a ticket. I don't have reason to believe there's a problem with the car.
  16. L

    Lucid Air charging rate on 350 KW fast charger

    In not-quite 6 months of using EA, I've seen initial rates above 300 exactly once, ~220s aren't uncommon, but ~170s are the norm. My rules have become: Always precondition Don't feel bad if I can't grab a 350 because I'm probably not going to get anything close to that Leave when the speed...
  17. L

    EA positive story

    Ha! Yeah, I have one that's 1 mile from my house and after that it's 60 miles. So if the local one didn't work fine for me, I'd have a completely different sense of EA!
  18. L

    Software update V2.0.13

    Maybe why Customer Care asked me to upload a picture of my car saying it was running 1.2.21. (Although, as an aside, I find it kind of bonkers that v2.0.0 - 2.0.12 could add X, Y, and Z functionality and yet people with version 2.0.13 do not have that functionality. Super weird versioning IMO.)
  19. L

    Software update V2.0.13

    Any resolution to this for you? I had the same thing happen this morning. Currently texting with Customer Care. On their end the car shows as having 2.0.13. (Grand Touring, received in May, for those trying to guess the rollout.)
  20. L

    EA positive story

    Same here. I received my GT at the same time in early May. Since then I've used 5 different EA stations in PA and NJ--including 2 new ones this week--probably 15 times total and haven't had a single problem (aside from the speed not always being amazing).