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  1. S

    Lucid gravity order begins Nov 7

    On top of that they need to squeeze and release Android Auto in between and there are not that many Thursdays left before the end of the fall season. Earnings, Gravity orders, Android Auto, and Holidays; lots of things to be excited about in the next two months.
  2. S

    Lucid gravity order begins Nov 7

    I am sure you will be able to change your configuration many times from available options until your build is confirmed and vin assigned. If you don't currently own the Air your order might be pushed down the queue.
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    Battery temp and "Regenerative braking reduced" warning

    Yes, completely normal. I am located in PA and observed similar warning when the temp dropped to 45F. Once I started driving and the state of charge reduced and battery temp increased the regen also increased. There is an indicator now around the speedometer when the regen is reduced it will be...
  4. S

    Battery temp and "Regenerative braking reduced" warning

    It's the combination of both State of Charge and outside temp. For example you may get a warning at 80% SOC and 50F outside. You may also get full regen when its 80% SOC and 75F+ outside. Also when it's below 50F and SOC is below 50% you may also get full regen. I don't know exact thresholds but...
  5. S

    Android Auto Thursday

    Usually companies try to avoid any major deployments around earnings day to avoid noise if something goes bad. I am guessing another 2-3 weeks after that, so let's hope week before Thanksgiving Thursday 11/21.
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    Lucid API

    2023 Pure AWD built 2/23 delivered 9/23. 13,400 miles almost exclusively charged at DC fast chargers. Here are my stats: "capacityKwHr": 86.00999807752669, "batteryHealthLevel": 96.90000144392252 "bmuSoftwareVersionMajor": 4 "bmuSoftwareVersionMinor": 13 "bmuSoftwareVersionMicro": 7...
  7. S

    RESOLVED Lucid Manager Won't Replace Windshield The Shop Broke

    I am glad to hear they came around and will fix your problem. Now the question remains was the service manager coached on how to handle customer issues/concerns in a proper way? We would probably never find out. This will probably leave a bad taste in your mouth for a long time and I don't blame...
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    RESOLVED Lucid Manager Won't Replace Windshield The Shop Broke

    I am sorry to hear what happened to you. Threatening about finding damage in a loaner (maybe even from previous customers) is unacceptable. I think that each service center is charged back for causing damage to customers cars. Since this is a glass roof and sensors needs to be calibrated this...
  9. S

    Official service center results on Soft close failures

    As per SC notes this is a software issue not hardware and will be corrected shortly with the next release. Just be patient. Having the car for one year, one thing I learned is to be patient. Things definitely improve with consistent software updates. I am sure many here can agree.
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    Curb rashes galore

    I find myself moving my head often left to right and vice versa during left hand side tight turn with narrow road. For example trying to make follow the left curve in a tight neighborhood road with cars parked on both sides. I often can't see if the oncoming traffic crossed into my lane. The...
  11. S

    Keep hands on wheel error - no DD pro

    My suggestion would be to try to record the occurrence when it happens and contact customer service. This way engineering team can review the logs and hopefully identify the specific scenario. Issues like that are probably very difficult to reproduce in order to fix it.
  12. S

    Android Auto Thursday

    Give me both and I am pretty much set in terms of missing features. I prefer dashcam over sentry.
  13. S

    Android Auto Thursday

    Happy Android Auto Thursday everyone!!! Hopefully 2.5.X will bring the highly anticipated AA integration. Most likely due to recent 2.4.X issues the AA got pushed a little. I have a feeling we don't have to wait much longer. I am guessing another 6-8 ec256 posts.
  14. S

    1.53 Mobile app out

    Confirming 1.53.0 also available for Android.
  15. S

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Here are my impressions after getting 2.4.4 update in 2023 Pure AWD DDP: 1. Zero errors or failures. No camera errors. Update went smoothly. 2. Drove using HA for probably close to 500 miles now in various conditions. Night, night + rain, rain, dry. In all conditions HA performed beautifully. It...
  16. S

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I second that opinion that this time around it feels there is some pattern to it GT, Touring, Pure RWD, Pure AWD. Previously it was more random and I would get a release much sooner. This time around since it was announced on 9/7, I had to wait until 9/26 to get it. It was directly from 2.3.10...
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    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    My 2.4.4 update took a little bit over 2 hours to complete and it used around 2kwh from the battery. There were no errors during the update. I didn't have a chance to drive it but I noticed phone unlock is almost immediate using Android phone. The home link is properly showing when the front or...
  18. S

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    To my surprise I was greeted with 2.4.4 update available notification when I got into the car after work. Again this 2023 Pure AWD with DDP. The car was sitting all day at a parking lot not connected to wifi. The service strength is pretty good there compared to my home. The car was showing...
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    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    My guess is that Lucid maintains multiple code branches for each version (different features, power levels) and different countries (regulations). When major update is available they have to merge and test the code to each branch separately. This takes time and the probably prioritize by number...
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    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    2023 Pure AWD with DDP and still no signs of a 2.4.X here. Fingers crossed it will show up today as per Nick's previous message.