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  1. niejelow

    Charging Station

    Are you in some way connected to lucid The reason I say that is my Lucid tech guy doesn’t know??
  2. niejelow

    Charging Station

    Anyone have any idea when these charging stations will be available for owners?
  3. niejelow

    Some odds and ends

    What app are you using ? Latest is 1.1.8
  4. niejelow

    Some odds and ends

    Anyone have problem with turn signal cameras going out as well as long bootup of main (iPad type) svreen
  5. niejelow


    My dream P has 21” tires and even with nitrogen the tire pressure increases with driving time. I suspect that tire friction/ heat increases with driving time.
  6. niejelow


    I am not a physist but I suspect that pure environment for lack of better terminology is always better
  7. niejelow


    In addition I am not trying to make converts out of anyone but stating actual physical difference that I experienced in New England where temperature can fluctuate with a delta of +-40degrees at any given time in the winter.
  8. niejelow


    The density of nitrogen is 1.251 versus 1.225 for air at sea level 15 degrees C or 59 degrees F. Thus the net affect would be the same regardless of temperature
  9. niejelow


    I jacked each side up individually and let all the air out. In a put a vacuum pump on to vacate any moisture , which was surprisingly significant.
  10. niejelow


    I respectfully disagree. If you go from 2.1 to 3.0 in mileage at 17 Fahrenheit that is a significant difference. That coupled with no moisture has made a believer out of me.
  11. niejelow


    The main advantage is less tire wear, increased mileage.
  12. niejelow


    Unscrew the the valve pin it will let all the air out and deflate the tire completely. Then screw valve pin back in and fill with nitrogen. Rather simple process. Make sure tires are cold and refill to 45 psi when cold.
  13. niejelow


    I just purged all the air out of the tires and replaced it with nitrogen. Marked mileage difference even in extreme cold (17degrees) get up to 3.0 m/KWm. Recommend this to all owners.
  14. niejelow

    DreamDrive part 2, patch 1.1.5

    Did you use your phone app. Or the main panel.
  15. niejelow

    DreamDrive Part 1, update 1.1.4

    You are correct.
  16. niejelow

    DreamDrive Part 1, update 1.1.4

  17. niejelow

    Dream Drive being enabled?

    1.1 4 Dream drive Ota’s.
  18. niejelow

    Complete car

    Where did you get this from
  19. niejelow

    Complete car

    I actually like it more than our G5; easier to get around