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  1. N

    Lucid produced 1,728 vehicles and delivered 1,967 vehicles during this period

    Do you think lucid would support a charging network for road tripping? I would think most owners charge at home As I do for 90 % of their driving but road tripping is a big part of the allure of this grand tourer. Personally, I’ve had good fortune with EA in the MA, CT and NY area when I do...
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    Lucid produced 1,728 vehicles and delivered 1,967 vehicles during this period

    From your lips to gods ears I think they will get there
  3. N

    SOLD Selling Off Items

    Thanks No worries I’ll let you know when arrive I ride with my winter mats but want to use these Grey mats in summer saving my ceramic ones for who knows but they would never stay clean with usual driving
  4. N

    SOLD Selling Off Items

    Perfect Thank you! Did your car have Mojave interior?
  5. N

    SOLD Selling Off Items

    Ok Will do in morning tomorrow What color was your interior? I think the gray will go with the Santa cruz
  6. N

    SOLD Selling Off Items

    I’ll buy the grey mats
  7. N

    SOLD Air Grand Touring Floor Mats - Gray - $150 per set

    Hello I’m interested in the gray carpet mats Live in Massachusetts What was your interior color? Sorry for your loss I have Santa Cruz but always use the graphite winter mats not the beige carpet saving for the future I guess because they will simply be too dirty
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    Making good progress - Feb 2024 sales

    I live near Natick Service is first rate Spotted a White Air in Needham a few days ago
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    Not quite perfect… but an Amazing car!

    Exactly right A drivers car A Grand Touring car for sure The thing is that the real world range is enough to go anywhere except the most rural locations without worry
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    Battery Alert Call from Lucid Service

    Seems like a bummer to need a new battery but with a loaner GT not too bad And now you get to start over with a new battery which is good deal
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    Battery Alert Call from Lucid Service

    Demosthenes What is your manufacturing date?
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    New Touring owner in Southern NH

    Seek out Snafu in NH
  13. N

    Impressions of my first long road trip

    Most of my trips are from Boston to Long Island NY I charge once at my destination and arrive home with 20-30 % to spare ( leave home at 100%) The Air GT is perfect for these kinds of round trips with a single charging stop of 20-30 min Bonus is that there is a Lucid service on Long Island( (...
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    Impressions of my first long road trip

    The Math for range is not static or fixed ( the variables are obvious) For my situation and climate I rely on the following math: Air GT with 19's and inserts Avg Mi/Kwhr 3.6 over 11,500 mi mixed use 112x3.6 at 100% charge 403mi ( when leaving home on long trip) x .8 ( never go below 20%...
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    Battery Alert Call from Lucid Service

    Seems like there are a wide range of manufactured dates affected but fortunately only a small number of cars. No clear trend in manufacturing dates has emerged Again getting a new battery to start over with seems not so bad if it happens
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    2022 Grand Touring

    2022 Grand Touring
  17. N

    Battery Alert Call from Lucid Service

    can anyone estimate what percentage of cars manufactured have had this issue? In any event getting a new battery is really a good deal especially if you’ve put on 2 yrs of miles
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    Battery Alert Call from Lucid Service

    Shuasha What is your manufacture date??
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    Air Touring - Prospective Owner

    I must say that is perfect color combo FB in Stealth! That was not possible when I bought my GT QG with Platinum appearance Car is a truly great ride
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    My Charging Journey

    ZenSolo Plan on getting approx 50 miles per hour with lucid charger at home Only need EA for distance roadtrips Worth every penny