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  1. N

    EA Megathread

    Totally agree We pay 31 cents per kWh electricity rate at home in MA still about 1/3- 1/2 less than gas ( assuming similar performing car that gets 20 mpg premium gas) so DCFC only makes sense if road tripping Of course 3 yrs free EA was nice but frustratingly inconvenient and time consuming...
  2. N

    What is average cost of second annual service

    Did they do tire alignment/ rotation? If so sounds right
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    I think this is an EA problem. Do you agree?

    Interesting I was told it most likely is a communication issue with EA and the car. They checked the car and found nothing wrong but I still have my doubts as it has happened with home lucid charger as well. As I mentioned this was more frequent occurrence last year and has not happened much...
  4. N

    I think this is an EA problem. Do you agree?

    the answer is yes I have had the exact same thing on occasion ever since I have had my Air GT with manufacture date 10/22. I have had it happen with my Lucid home charger as well but usually it happens if I plug in just as I am awakening the car but have had this occur at EA's though much less...
  5. N

    Lucid Announces Public Offering of Common Stock and Corresponding Investment by an Affiliate of PIF

    bought a new AGT in April 2022. the price was $139,500(which came with every option). Price was reduced with my $7,500 tax credit which was allowed for that time period. So total price was $132,000 for a brand new AGT with every option. The 155K you quote came later. Plus 3 yrs of free charging...
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    Just waiting on my GT to arrive. My First EV :-)

    My advice Just drive the car and enjoy the incredible ride Don’t focus on nav and radio stuff that will grow on you as spend more time in the car
  7. N

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I believe the front lights are staying on longer ( as when Air first came out) when car is unlocked rather than briefly with new update?
  8. N

    RESOLVED Outside mirrors auto fold?

    Well definitely adds a few sec to close them but you don’t have to be at a full stop So I do it as I drive up the driveway Yes I’m rationalizing but it does give you a moment of pause in tight spaces to not scrape the sides especially after long drive or late at night
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    RESOLVED Outside mirrors auto fold?

    I think they fold only when lock car or I close them before I pull in garage with button on pilot panel main page
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    Car won't charge all of a sudden

    Hi I saw you old post My car from time to time gives me a charging error at EA stations ( usually 350Kw) where I have to unplug and replug. Soft reset has fixed it except 1 time Also has happened on home Lucid charger but replugging always works . I thought this was a communication thing from...
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    RESOLVED Unable to remove plug from the charging port

    Actnjack Did the unplug and replug say charging error? I’ve had these from time to time
  12. N

    Software update 2.3.0

    This is why using percentages make most sense But yes just use the mi/kWH number you are getting for best estimate The car does adjust while you’re driving tho If have a destination in nav
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    Software update 2.3.0

    4.6 mi/kWH x112 kw=max rang 515
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    Software update 2.3.0

    60.48x 4.6=278
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    Lucid is changing my HV battery

    Thank you
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    Lucid is changing my HV battery

    What are you manufacturing dates? Is there any tend on manufacturing dates and battery/wonder box replacements?
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    80% Charge range lowering

    I’m at 19 months ownership with 15k miles Overall about 50/50 home and DC Still at 515 when I rarely get it to 100% No drop off yet
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    80% Charge range lowering

    Amster Do you home charge or DCFC?
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    One week and love my Lucid Air Pure!

    I’ve had my GT for about 21 months 15,000 miles Initially had some reservations but after adapting to all the new and improved controls I love driving this car. When I use my other cars I think the Air is indeed the most exciting car to drive It really is a fun car to have