Search results

  1. Keithmaj

    Crack in Rear Windshield

    Based on my I-30 encounters with trucks in east TX (3 cracked windshields from rocks), I would think any windshield repair shop could "fill" a ding which should keep a crack from getting worse. If it gets worse before you can fill it, or if it effects your visibility you'll probably end up...
  2. Keithmaj

    Crack in Rear Windshield

    Let us know how USAA handles it... Thanks.
  3. Keithmaj

    PPF and Chrome Delete results

    So ... when doing a blackout wrap on the front bumper area, I'm often seeing the chrome piece going across the front of the hood being blacked out with a matte, satin, or gloss wrap. It appears in most cases the Lucid letters are cut out. Is the Lucid logo back lit? Would it still be visible...
  4. Keithmaj

    7500 EV tax credit update with new bill

    Does that imply there are 899 of us also out there?
  5. Keithmaj

    Highway Assist

    Does it behave any differently based on you ACC Distance setting?
  6. Keithmaj

    Mobile service front license plate experience

    The use of these type of plates varies by state. TX, at this time, supposedly does not allow us to use this option. Believe you can keep your front plate somewhere inside and put it on your front dash should you get pulled over.
  7. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Lining up your financing to get your best rate makes sense, but I'm finding Lucid's production schedule is a crap shoot regarding cycle time to delivery. Seems some cars are flying through production and into delivery while other's (mine) run into some types of materials, parts, and workmanship...
  8. Keithmaj

    Charge to 100% for road trip?

    That is the mental math that I will use, except with the Touring's smaller battery capacity I'll use 88 vs 112. Also will probably use recent trip miles/kWhr vs my lifetime as it would more accurately reflect recent environmental and performance conditions effecting my specific range.
  9. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Not necessarily, it depends on the installation.
  10. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Congrats Joe! You deserve it!
  11. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Congrats Joe! Please report back with pics!
  12. Keithmaj

    PPF and Chrome Delete results

    Looks awesome! Did they have to cut out the letters of the LUCID logo on the front? My detailer is pushing back on that... What level of tint did you go with?
  13. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Just curious if anyone has any insight into what type of production schedule Lucid's factory is operating... two shifts per day? 24/7? I wouldn't expect them to shut down over the holidays, but some companies actually shut down the last week of the year.
  14. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Congrats Speed, this looks awesome! Especially like the first pic in the trailer. Kind of like seeing a bare shoulder in that a peek isn't enough!
  15. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I'm living vicariously through you since I'm stuck In Production! Weather forecast looks cold and windy between Plano and Houston, but not much precipitation. Wonder what conditions effect the transporter's ability to move cars... Oh well, just another variable that effects us. Fingers...
  16. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Just a notional concept of subprocesses to show a potential idea of giving us better visibility into "In Production". Lucid could come up with some lower level processes to be added to the Dashboard to allow us to see some progress. At this point we only have three high level phases with no...
  17. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I think the new Dashboard is a step in the right direction toward improving communication, but it would be helpful if it had more granularity. Maybe we had some false expectations when Lucid management talks about ramping up production with some vehicles making it out of Production in 2 - 3...
  18. Keithmaj

    Plano Texas Studio Delivery Thread

    Thanks! I think this clarifies our situation in TX. I assume when I get my actual PA it will have the correct amount owed Lucid less TX sales tax.
  19. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Ditto, mine came to $7034.38 based on 6.25%. Still confused on what your DA said regarding paying Lucid a total amount include 6.25% sales tax or just the total minus the sales tax which gets collected by TX at registration. Hopefully my DA can keep me straight...
  20. Keithmaj

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Again what I received was a PA Final Pricing Sheet so I could finalize my total cost. It included 6.25% Sales Tax which is what TX charges. I could be wrong, but I was thinking when I get invited to pay I would pay that total amount. Do TX residents pay AZ sales tax, plus a transfer fee, plus...