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  1. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    cool! are you also receiving your Pure by next week?
  2. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    I got my PA last night. Mine shows $300. There's a row listed California Clean Fuel Reward but the amount listed is N/A for me
  3. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    there's a couple of 2020 reservation holders
  4. C

    7500 EV tax credit update with new bill

    idk if they'll let you sign a PA and pay for the car if you haven't received a VIN and/or the vehicle finished production tho
  5. C

    7500 EV tax credit update with new bill

    The rules for contracts prior to Aug 16 and between Aug 16-Dec 31 essentially doesn't matter to potential lucid owners, because the Lucid is made in America, and that is the only difference between before Aug 16 and in between Aug 16-Dec 31 (all qualified vehicles must be made in America.) If...
  6. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    I was one of the individuals originally invited to the December 17th event, and I am one of the reservation holders who have been lucky enough to have the opportunity of receiving my Pure before EOY. I had been very responsive with Lucid and followed all directions. The first email advising to...
  7. C

    Free software is limited to 4 years

    I agree to this. We aren't buying quantum computers for our cars. In terms of computing power alone, the hardware will eventually need an upgrade for any car with OTAs. Expecting a car to be compatible with all OTAs in perpetuality is like expecting an iPhone 4 to be compatible with the latest...
  8. C

    Touring GVWR (Gross Volume Weight Ratio)

    lucid air touring has approximately 5630 lb GVWR
  9. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    I just checked my dashboard. I also just received my VIN and my dashboard went from "Preparing for Production to "In Production"
  10. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    are they still making GTs? 😱
  11. C

    Pure Reservation - 30 Day invitation pushed back to allow IRS clarification of tax credit

    This is because the pre-production Lucid Air Pure from the BH debut was not actually a Pure. It was secretly actually a Lucid Air Touring with a metal roof dressed up as a Pure because they had the parts/manufacturing for GT/T readily available and not for Pure just yet. This Pure display model...
  12. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    how long does it take from in production to preparing to delivery to delivery?
  13. C

    Pure Standard Equipment

    for the high-end EV market the air pure is in, the Air Pure AWD still beats the competition with 480hp and 443lb-ft - porsche taycan has up to 402hp and 254lb-ft on overboost and launch mode - mercedes eqe (unreleased) has up to 402hp, torque unreleased - audi a6 e-tron (unreleased) has up to...
  14. C

    Pure Standard Equipment

    Lucid has up to 1050hp and 921 lb-ft of torque on their dual all-electric motor setup..? Isn't that a bit better than 500+?
  15. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    have you called your assigned studio advisor?
  16. C

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Pure

    my DA was notified that I was likely to receive my Pure by EOY and called to notify me