I think lucid air has too many variations with the same platform. GT and Pure look about the same. GT owners need to feel special for paying top dollars similar to MB AMG line. They need to create more exclusive look for GT.
Got a call from DA today and he asked if I want holes in the front bumper. I am in NJ which is a 2 plate state but told him not to put holes. Anyone has experience driving in NJ without a front plate? How often would you get pulled over?
1. I feel like lucid air was meant to be glass roof. Have you seen any $100k car with metal roof that doesn’t have a sunroof? However, pure with metal roof looked very nice.
2. I ordered with surreal pro because nobody has a car without it and not sure how good it will be.
3. I didn’t...
I must have debated the color choices to death because they all look great. I thought keeping Santa Cruz clean would be the hardest so going with Mohave.