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  1. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    @joec Thanks for laying out the steps. It is a roller coaster ride trying to figure out if we will get the car this year or not.
  2. I

    [URGENT] $7500 credit for current reservation holders

    I hear you. You probably over looked the part "if that amount is over zero, you can claim the credit and receive a refund up to $7500." It will be a refund since the poster in question already paid the taxes through withholding.
  3. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I finalized my order yesterday and today I got an email 'Finance your Air through Lucid.' with a Find out More button. But logging in to my account there is nothing under Design & Orders other than "View Order" option. What is the sequence of events to expect going forward? As of now I don't...
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    I got a bubbly soda during a recent studio visit. I was told that is the swag for non GT cars due to cut backs.
  5. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I hope not, but it is likely to happen even if it is not their intention.
  6. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    This evening I received an invite to finalize my design and I just completed it. Zenith Red with Santa Cruz interior, Glass Canopy, DDP, SSP and 19''' wheels. Reservation date was last week of May 22.
  7. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Thanks. I emailed them few days ago but didn't get any response. I called them today and it said they are only open M-F. Will call them on Monday.
  8. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    How did you make the payment online? I was asked to specifically wire the funds and would not take CC payment either. Where do you see the upgrade button? Under "Designs & Orders" all I see is a "View Order" button that opens up a page listing the pure options, price and the deposit.
  9. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    My online account still shows Pure and I have been checking both the emails and the online account on a regular basis. I received one email from Lucid Sales indicating they received the additional $700 reservation funds but the order details in the online account still shows $300 deposit only...
  10. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Any one upgraded from Pure to Touring and received the invitation to finalize their order? It has been crickets for me with no response. How long did it take for you to get the invitation to finalize the AT order after the upgrade?
  11. I

    [URGENT] $7500 credit for current reservation holders

    Even if you did not have to pay anything when you filed your tax return because enough taxes were already withheld, you still paid federal taxes (part of the taxes withheld). If that amount is over zero, you can claim the credit and receive a refund up to $7500.
  12. I

    New member. Taking my chances.

    @noobzilla I know exactly how you feel and gone through similar motions. Even though I consider spending $125k on a car is waste of money, I am going through with it as I don't usually have expensive taste and this is probably one of the few things I am going to splurge on. I don't like to show...
  13. I

    New member. Taking my chances.

    @Drendino Thank you for your input. I decided to go with a fully loaded Touring. I am waiting for them to send me the invite to complete my order and hopefully I will get to enjoy it soon.
  14. I

    Charger FAQ/Explanation

    How long did it take to get the Chargepoint Flex? On their website it is currently back ordered. I am thinking of ordering a ChargePoint Home Flex-NEMA 6-50 and hardwire it. Our local utility is giving $500 instant rebate for it. I think my current panel is full and I may have to pull a sub...
  15. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    What exactly is a "Platinum Look" and what are the other looks available for a fully loaded Touring? Also if I place an order today for a fully loaded Touring, delivery before the end of the year is not possible any more? Any one has insight in to this? Thanks. Edit: Got my answer on Platinum...
  16. I

    30 Used Lucids for sale

    Wow three owners in a year? what's wrong with the car?
  17. I

    Hi Scott, I am in Seattle as well and am interested in your car. Is it available?

    Hi Scott, I am in Seattle as well and am interested in your car. Is it available?
  18. I

    30 Used Lucids for sale

    What is a three owner car?
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    First Touring Production Run

    CNBC article says Peter Rawlinson discussed Touring to get 425 miles at 4.6m/kwh efficiency and the Pure at 410 miles.
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    Reservation Cancellations feedback

    I am of the same opinion. However you have to understand that we are taking about a $85-$90k when all is said and done before any tax credit and not every Pure reservation holder can splurge that with out thinking twice and the $7500 tax credit plays a significant role in to the equation.