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  1. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    @Dr Chill How has your experience been with the new car?
  2. I

    Purchase Decision Time - Not So Straight Forward when All Things Considered. Need your opinions

    Apart from the cash on hand, if Lucid delivers their 6000 cars this year that an added $600m-$725m added cash to their buffer plus whatever they can deliver next year. They are burning through cash now but it is also because of opening up new lines in the plant along with whatever they are...
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Is there a film on the screen that shows the scratch or on the screen itself? Congratulation on the car and sorry you have to go through this.
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I see this message on my dashboard since the new dashboard is available. Is this a generic message for all cars that are in "preparing for production" stage? I see a Tidal code but no VIN or no apply for financing button. I already uploaded my registration information and drivers license 2...
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Congratulations to those that picked up their cars. Post us some pictures of your cars
  6. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Understand that very well, however not responding to 4 different attempts to reach out over a week is not acceptable by any means.
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    My DA has been no where to be found. After receiving an introduction email about a week ago, I sent emails every other day and left 1 voice mail and so far I have not heard back. Frustrating not to get any response.
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I finalized last week of November and I don't have the Apply For Loan button yet. It appears to be mostly for orders finalized in the first week of November at this point except @vraj83 who finalized it on 11/18. Eagerly waiting :)
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Not defending @kvinsk but paraphrasing what I think his point is "why rush the product to the market when your software is not ready for prime time. When you know what features are being offered on competing products, you should wait to make sure your product features are in line with those in...
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    @quantum What is your reservation and finalized date? I didn't see it in the tracker. May help adding that info?
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    @Golfhack Congratulations. What does "entered General Assembly" means? I assumed the vehicles that are being shown in the Bears flyover video's are almost ready (i.e. VIN's already assigned to them) and spoken for the customers. So I am slightly confused by the above email. Any one know what...
  12. I

    Anyone buy their car and have Lucid register it with their Montana LLC?

    @Dr Chill, Do you just drive with MT Plates or get FL plates? Which state sales tax do you pay?
  13. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Lucid is marketing inventoried GT to the reservation holders who are impatient and may want to take the plunge. It is a good idea to get few of those out but they should really focus on their deliveries after constant chatter about all the loaded Tourings will be delivered by EOY. I was one of...
  14. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    By all accounts Lucid is nicely engineered car. So they put the effort and skills to make a good car which is the basic requirement. Now they have to build a company to support that product and bring a product that is economical and attract more customers. If they can do that as the company...
  15. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    You are right in most of your concerns. However buying a luxury car with resale value in mind may not be a good idea. Tesla's resale value for now may be there because of its unique place as the first to the market, however as more and better EV's come on the road, I doubt that resale value...
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    Charging in the rain

    Irrespective of damaging or not damaging, it provides shelter to the person charging.
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    Charging in the rain

    Almost all the gas stations have a ceiling to protect from wind rain etc. Why didn't EV chargers go that route?
  18. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Congratulations. Once you get it, please do provide us a comparison with Ioniq5.
  19. I

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    IRS form asks "Enter date vehicle was placed in service".
  20. I

    [URGENT] $7500 credit for current reservation holders

    It is not a credit against adjusted income (which is a deduction) but a credit towards the taxes paid. I looked at IRS Form 8936 and it says the credit goes on to Line 20 on From 1040 through Schedule 3. Essentially it gets added to the total taxes paid. And if that amount is higher than the...