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  1. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I feel your pain, I have completed all my paperwork, and all payments cleared on December 16. The car reached Chicago on December 18. My DA told me PDI is a quick process, and I should receive my car within 3/4 when it comes to Chicago. Given the time, I hoped to get my car by this weekend...
  2. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Yes, I am planning to do front PPF for now. I have contacted two companies, one in Mount Laurel and another in Williamstown. They quoted me $1700 and $1800 plus tax.
  3. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Thank you, Please call your DA if the DA is not responsive, then contact your SA. I hope you'll get your car by EOY.
  4. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Thank you, and you are right; that makes total sense. We could see each other next week at Short hill.
  5. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I just received a call from my DA; My car will leave Chicago on 26th, so I can pick it up on the 27th or 28th. Someone from Short hill, NJ, will confirm the exact date and time.
  6. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Same here; my bank account shows payment was cleared overnight, but the Lucid site still shows pending.
  7. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Hello all, any recommendation on floor mats for the Santa Cruz interior?
  8. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    My dashboard changed to Preparing for Delivery. That's a good sign. ZR/SC with 20' wheels.
  9. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Yes, I am planning to Swap the tires back in summer.
  10. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Please share what exact size you ordered. Touring comes with two different sizes of 20' wheels. 245/40R20 (front) and 265/40R20 (Rear).
  11. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    It seems like we have twin usernames. I am thinking about three options; 1st, replace with all weather tires; 2nd, order a set of 19” wheels and 3rd, use my SUV during winter time. Do you have any recommendations?
  12. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Sure, call your DA and ask him about it.
  13. Lucid_NJ

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    O Got it. I heard about some supply chain issues with the 19” wheel.