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  1. D

    2025 Taycan range and charging

    Thanks for posting. That is very impressive and nice to see the competition improving. Can only make others better too.
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    New Touring

    Those stories are tough. They are even tougher when you have nothing but mobile service by you.
  3. D

    Tesla recalling nearly all its vehicles

    Fake news for sure. It is amazing what they consider a recall these days.
  4. D

    Factory Tour Take Aways: Stamping; Gravity; NACS; Motor/Battery mfg.

    Nice that Gravity and Air are getting the NACS port in 2025!
  5. D

    LCID Trading

    Guessing will go down again. Probably just shorts driving it up.
  6. D

    2024 Grand Touring changes and release

    Totally agree, but I thought Lucid was improving the range over 2023’s. Who knows, they release such few details on changes.
  7. D

    2024 Grand Touring changes and release

    Yes - I heard that. I thought I read range was going up for the GT in 2024 though?
  8. D

    2024 Grand Touring changes and release

    Noticed the range was lowered on the 24 models or at least the GT with 19’s. I thought I had read the 2024 GT range would be going up some?
  9. D

    Real Life Range

    Good move. Have the Twraps Matte on my Model S screen and love the matte look and how clean it keeps it. 🙂
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    That looks awesome!
  11. D

    WSJ EV Article

    Why? The author of this article is always positive on EV’s and probably one of the best automotive writers around and extremely credible (he writes every week for the WSJ). Also - there is another tech writer who owns an EV that writes positive - real life experiences, she always is very...
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    WSJ EV Article

    This is very well written EV article. Good article to show people when all they mostly read and hear about is negative coverage on EV’s, especially lately. This is coming from a great automobile writer...
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    LCID stock

    Do you think there is that much less real range in a 2021 and greater Model S LR? I know against the GT there would be, but not sure how much more, but the other Airs there is not much difference would be my guess. And in colder weather like most of the US is seeing now the Model S has the...
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    Trunk / Frunk Mats

    Agree - not really liking the style either. Too many grids and not a clean look, in my opinion.
  15. D

    2024 Grand Touring changes and release

    Would definitely take the extra 7% in the winter months. 🙂
  16. D

    EA idle fee?

    Definitely want someone that is parked after charging in charging spot to be towed or someone that parks in a charging spot that is not an EV. Could care less if it costs them $100’s of dollars. Post a sign saying that and if they don’t have common sense on moving their car, then no one to...
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    Speculation Lucid UX 3.0

    Are you talking on the freeway or local roads? As, on the freeway it works great. I am constantly using it on the freeway and mostly drive on freeways (45,000 miles in the last two years). I don‘t use any self driving on local roads though. Looking through some of these posts, there is...
  18. D

    Electrify America is enraging EV owners

    Did not mean to apply that they should not (although no way would I), but only be limited to 80% in peak charging periods. You have to do something make this better if more public will adopt. Otherwise EV’s will just fail. There is so much negative attention to CCS charging lately from the...