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  1. Shane_SLC

    The I-90 Surge by Out of Spec Studios

    Keep an eye on YouTube tomorrow for the premiere of the I-90 Surge series from Out of Spec Studios! This easily tops the list of my adventures I've had in my 1.5 years of ownership. Can't wait for you all to see it! 💙
  2. Shane_SLC

    Lucid Motors Tech and Manufacturing Day webstream presentation live Tue Sep 10, 8AM Pacific

    When's the next regional owners meet up so we can hear more about the event from those that were lucky enough to attend? 😆
  3. Shane_SLC

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Will the new assistant provide specific data from the car that's not currently displayed (i.e. interior or battery temperatures) or is it more just for simple commands for now?
  4. Shane_SLC

    Why speed limit difference Air Grand Touring vs Air Touring?

    It'd be tough to get going quite that fast on my local track, and I haven't taken it on a drag strip yet, so let's say Mexico. 😁
  5. Shane_SLC

    Why speed limit difference Air Grand Touring vs Air Touring?

    The highest speed I've seen (allegedly 🤫) is 145 mph in my Touring with 20" OEM wheels and tires. It's electronically limited, and it's noticeable when the acceleration abruptly lets up. You can tell the car wants to and can go faster, so a bit disappointing, in my opinion.
  6. Shane_SLC

    Possible heat-related charging issue? Post in thread 'Lucid API' Here's a link to the github page and related forum post for the API, in which you will find a link named "". Essentially, you'll just log in with your...
  7. Shane_SLC

    Possible heat-related charging issue?

    Over the past few weeks I collected some more data at home here in SLC, UT, and I wanted to share it here. I also notified Lucid a few weeks ago with no real response as of yet. I apologize for the length of this post, but I want to include as much detail and context as I can. Let's get into it...
  8. Shane_SLC

    July 27, 2024 Bay Area Lucid Owners Club Rally & Owner Experience Event

    Big thank you to everyone for sharing photos for those of us unable to attend. Would love to take a ride in Air Alpha VIN 1 in those rear seats (or all of them, for that matter)! 💙
  9. Shane_SLC

    Software update 2.3.0

    I just received the notification about 5 hours ago. Currently installing now.
  10. Shane_SLC

    Software update 2.3.0

    Nothing for me so far. 🤷‍♂️
  11. Shane_SLC

    Software update 2.3.0

    It's definitely a nice safety option to have. There's been a few times for me where the car thinks a car is approaching that is actually stopped or waiting for me to pull out but the cross traffic intervention grabs the brakes and prevents me from moving (sometimes multiple times), resulting in...
  12. Shane_SLC

    Software update 2.3.0

    For those not on X. Some really great changes here!
  13. Shane_SLC

    Share your best pic!

    Weekend trip to Colorado.
  14. Shane_SLC

    Possible heat-related charging issue?

    Definitely on the list of things to try. If there's not one I can find here in the Denver area tomorrow I can try again at my local EVgo back in Salt Lake.
  15. Shane_SLC

    Possible heat-related charging issue?

    I was able to reproduce this again charging in 100F+ temperatures yesterday. I arrived at the EA station in Loveland, CO around 10% SoC with outside temperatures right at 100F. Right around 50% SoC and ~15 minutes of charging speeds plummeted to sub 10 kW. Luckily the station was empty and I was...
  16. Shane_SLC

    Electrify Expo Denver - Saturday July 13th and Sunday July 14th

    Hello forum friends! I was just curious if any other Lucid owners were planning to attend the Electrify Expo in Denver on 7/13 and 7/14. I'll be driving out from Salt Lake for the weekend. Might be nice to have a small meet up or meal together.
  17. Shane_SLC

    Possible heat-related charging issue?

    Overheating cables or handles definitely sounds like a possible culprit. I've heard of Tesla chargers having this issue, but I don't recall hearing of similar issues with other chargers. This scenario seems at least somewhat repeatable, so if/when it happens again I'll hopefully be able to take...
  18. Shane_SLC

    Possible heat-related charging issue?

    Great suggestion. Unfortunately I was at a full station each time, but I could have at least swapped handles to see if that made any difference. If it happens again I'll be sure to try that before moving or leaving.
  19. Shane_SLC

    Possible heat-related charging issue?

    Hello forum friends, I've been seeing some new/worrisome fast charging behavior a handful of times with my car over the past week. While charging at a few different 150 kW or 350 kW Electify America stations speeds would sharply drop from 125-150 kW down to less than 10 kW around 40-50% SoC. In...
  20. Shane_SLC

    Share your best pic!

    Some favorites from the past few weeks.