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  1. D

    First Snow

    Many thanks for all the great insights and advice. We may get enough snow overnight to see how awful the 21's will be until I can order/mount snows.
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    First Snow

    Got a dusting here in NH yesterday. 2025 GT with 21" summer tires didn't care - but there wasn't enough accumulation to do much of anything. The guys at the Natick MA service center will sell me a snow tire package OR store/swap a set I buy (which is cool) Thoughts on 19" winter wheel/tire choices?
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    UX 2.5 OTA Update

    I'm on the latest update.... This just happened to my 2025 AGT. Tried both reboots -- did not fix it. Called customer care/they are sending a ticket to my service center. ... and two more weird anomalies: 1. The ambient lighting now follows theme controls... except for the overhead "spine"...
  4. D

    What does the group think of this?

    In general, electrical code requires that power sources in basements, garages, or outdoors require GFCI protection. 50 GFCI's are expensive - might lead some to cut that corner. YMMV - electrical code is often very different by state/locality and the age of construction. Having a proper GFCI in...
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    What does the group think of this?

    There is nothing intrinsically unsafe about using a properly rated extension cord. Longer cables do add a small additional resistance = delivers a small voltage drop. Should be a non-issue if you're adding ~25ft and using the proper rated wire and connectors. I can't speak to the quality of...
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    RESOLVED Lucid cable charger only charging at 2kw. HELP!

    Miswired... And dangerous. For south to east to be 250, those two are the X and Y hot legs.Safety ground (the south pin) is hot. DON'T TOUCH THE BOX. TURN OFF THE BREAKER. Call the electrician make him fix it then never use him again.
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    RESOLVED Lucid cable charger only charging at 2kw. HELP!

    I totally agree that the most likely reason for this problem is a miswired outlet. The "other" miswiring possibility is an open or miswired connections at the breaker. If either or both are true: make the electrician fix it for free AND never hire them again. This is a licensed trade and...
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    RESOLVED Lucid cable charger only charging at 2kw. HELP!

    My Bad. I was reacting to the cable spec. As you indicated, should be 40 or 50A.
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    RESOLVED Lucid cable charger only charging at 2kw. HELP!

    Agree. The tests I described do not involve getting access to any exposed wiring/opening up any electrical boxes - which is definitely the domain of trained/licensed pro's. On the flip side, paying an electrician to come out and tell you an outlet is wired correctly is expensive. A multimeter...
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    RESOLVED Lucid cable charger only charging at 2kw. HELP!

    Looking at the breaker box. The electrician installed a surge protector and a 60A dual leg breaker -- which I believe is correct/allowed for a NEMA 50. A NEMA 50 outlet has 4 pins. Safety Ground (round pin) Call that SOUTH. Neutral - NORTH - directly opposite the Safety Ground Leg X/Y - East...
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    Charging at NACS Superchargers

    To counter your counter: There are literally billions of PCs that have USB-A/1. External USB connections are used/needed by tens of billions of devices for connectivity and/or charging. Technically, USB is still USB. Almost zero active componentry needed to be "backward compatible." USB is and...
  12. D

    Software Update 2.5.4

    Update: after my call with Customer Care (=both reboots) ambient lighting and the overhead strip worked for one drive. One day later, the ambient lighting is in the wrong theme and the overhead strip is out. Going to Themes, turning ambient off / on / off on does get ambient lighting back -...
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    Software Update 2.5.4

    I had the same issue - theme/ambient lighting/overhead led strip out again yesterday. Call service. Had me do BOTH reboots (logo first, then 2 buttons+brake)/asked me to wait a day and be sure my mobile key/fobs are far enough away to not confuse the car. We shall see.
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    Software Update 2.5.4

    Hi... I may have mistyped -- it's the rightmost button (of 3) on the both steering wheel pads plus the brake until you hear one chime -- let go.. Dennis
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    Software Update 2.5.4

    More on the different reboot... I was told that there is a new way to reboot things (a three finger salute equivalent for Windows users) that restarts more of the car's systems. Process as described/followed by me: In Park Hold the following 3 all at the same time until you hear a single...
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    Software Update 2.5.4

    Call service. I had the problem, They ran me thru a different path to a reboot.
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    Completely Stealth Infinite Black Results

    Looks terrific. I'm leasing my 2025 AGT and plan to flip it. I did PPF on the hood/front/lower panels and rear bumper.z Glass roof. I'm looking at ceramic coatings... any good/not so good experience?
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    SiriusXM seemed to break internet connectivity... sorta

    Sorry for the long post... I've been in technical systems development for 5 decades. Large and small computers, networking, cell phones, pagers, medical devices, operating systems... The stuff I've been "moaning and groaning" about here are "fit and finish" bugs - most in the infotainment...
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    Vehicle Location Reset?

    Thanks... Appreciate the counsel. I fully agree with your view of the joys of driving this machine. That said, I always drive with music on...
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    Vehicle Location Reset?

    I absolutely love all aspects of driving the car. Mechanically, it's amazing. The combination of incredibly smooth power curve and the bottomless well of power is 1000% fun. I knew when I bought it that - like all EVs - onboard software is a work in progress. I knew from this forum that there...