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  1. K

    Drive Assist Cancelled error with 2.6.0

    I've received this error on a few occasions (not often) but I am able to restart Drive Assist without having to stop
  2. K

    Vomit vs Pureluxe

    I'd seek the advice of a professional detailer
  3. K

    Entry quirks/bugs since 2.6.0

    Yes, I am on an iphone, but my problem was with pushing the button on the pilot panel. Logging out of the app fixed the pilot panel problem
  4. K

    Entry quirks/bugs since 2.6.0

    I logged out of the mobile app and logged back in. That solved the problem of steering wheel heat continually turning off
  5. K

    All Season Tires/Wheels

    I got replacement tires from Pirelli P Zero All Season Plus Elect 245/45R19, which is exactly what was originally on the car. Pretty disappointed
  6. K

    All Season Tires/Wheels

    I recently put a new set of Pirelli P Zero all season tires on my GT. I would definitely NOT do it again if I had the chance. Very disappointed in the range of the new tires; they ride well but I'm lucky to get 3.3mi/Kwh with conservative driving. I averaged 3.8 before the new tires.
  7. K

    Delivery tomorrow! Air Touring

    I bought the factory weather floor mats and regret it. They don't cover the sides of the carpet, and they have become discolored over time. I have 19" wheels and have 20K miles on my car, about half with and half without the aero covers. There is a very slight range hit without the covers...
  8. K

    Drafty windows when cold?

    Are all the service invoices available somewhere online or only via the individual invoices we get when service is done?
  9. K

    Butt warmer problems

    I have a similar issue with my steering wheel heat. It only happens when I use the mobile app to preheat the car, but when I do this the steering wheel heat is off when I get in the car. When I click to turn this heat on, it goes on and then immediately goes off again. Resets don't help fix...
  10. K

    Any Other Ohio Owners (or Owners to be)?

    I live in Xenia. If you want to stop by, I'd be happy to show you around my GT
  11. K

    Headlights (Oncoming Traffic High Beaming)

    I find that the auto high beams in the Air work extremely well at turning off high beams automatically when approaching traffic both from in front and behind; I never have to manually drop the beam if I have it set to auto (just push the turn signal stalk forward to set to auto).
  12. K

    Nice Move on LCID Today...

    The recent price jump is a reaction to large activity in the options world; new options began trading this week, for the August 2025 expiration. Lots of speculation about where the price will be next Summer
  13. K

    Proposed OTA Process Change...

    I like your idea
  14. K

    Lidar Blocked whenever it rains - what does the Lidar do?

    I get this Lidar warning occasionally when it rains (not every time), but this has happened since I got the car 2 years ago. I don't think it is related to a recent update.
  15. K

    Homelink order being randomized?

    I experienced this yesterday while driving; the HomeLink display actually changed order back and forth while I was backing out of my garage. In my case, I 'think' it was because I did not have my key fob on me (which I use 100% of the time), and the car was relying only on my phone.
  16. K

    Would you still buy a Lucid Air living over 600 miles away of a service center?

    I have 18000 miles on my 2-yr old GT. The closest service center is 350 miles away in Chicago, but there is a mobile service guy out of Louisville KY (160 mi) that has come to my home twice. One visit was for 12-month service and the other was for a GPS problem. I've not had to go to a...
  17. K

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I finally got the 2.4.4 pushed yesterday AM, from 2.3.10 previously. I asked CS to do a push on Monday, and they did so after about 24 hrs
  18. K

    2.4.10 Update

    Except for those of us left behind at 2.3.10. 😪
  19. K

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I'm still on 2.3.10. 2023 GT
  20. K

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I have a 23 GT and still on 2.3.10. I don't think the rollout has anything to with model