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  1. sk8ndad

    Android Auto Thursday

    Full disclosure, I’m an Apple fanboy since the days of the Lisa. That being said, I hope Android is right behind!
  2. sk8ndad

    My Second Flat Tire In A Month

    This is just a known problem with low profile tires probably exacerbated by the roads in many parts of the country sprouting potholes like crazy. Here is a link to what discount tires has to say...
  3. sk8ndad

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    It is!
  4. sk8ndad

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    Westfield Valley Fair Mall
  5. sk8ndad

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    So, while I was charging at EA in Santa Clara, my twin pulled up
  6. sk8ndad

    Lidar Blocked whenever it rains - what does the Lidar do?

    It showed up on my drive to Monterey on Sunday. I would seem to go on and off as conditions changed.
  7. sk8ndad

    Air needs some changes for tall drivers.

    I got in the back of an EQS 580 and my head hit. I’m 6’3”
  8. sk8ndad

    [RESOLVED] High Regenerative Braking Feels Off

    Regen can’t work when fully charged.
  9. sk8ndad

    Level 1 charging

    I got it to take long trips
  10. sk8ndad

    Level 1 charging

    I’m only putting 20 miles per day. I think I’ll be OK
  11. sk8ndad

    Level 1 charging

    At first it was much lower. It looks like it self adjusted to 12 which is what I was looking for. My volt defaults to 8 but you can tell it to go to 12.
  12. sk8ndad

    Level 1 charging

    Is there a way to up the amps when using level 1 charging?
  13. sk8ndad

    Alexa with Sirius XM

    So, I would like to use Alexa to select my Sirius XM station and it(Alexa) says that Sirius XM is not supported on this device. Any idea if I can do anything????
  14. sk8ndad

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I picked up my Touring today in Millbrae. What a fabulous car! There were two pickups at 10 :cool:
  15. sk8ndad

    New Touring vs Used Grand Touring

    It's funny, I went with the Touring because I like it better. The space in the rear seat is a big deal to me and the things I'm not getting are not issues.
  16. sk8ndad

    Existing inventory Tourings

    I would assume that they want that reservation to be used by a person that doesn't already have a reservation.
  17. sk8ndad

    Share your best pic!

    That is a beautiful car!!!
  18. sk8ndad

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Me too. I'll be at Millbrae at 10.
  19. sk8ndad

    Hey From North Carolina!

    I pick it up Friday, so I'll let you know.