Search results

  1. Rossb2k

    New Lucid Referral Program Offer!

    Yeah, but most of the people who accured enough referrals were either established YouTubers or people who gamed the system (I remember reading about someone who paid google ad services so that his referral would be the top result, but I can't find any evidence of that now) so really it was kinda...
  2. Rossb2k

    Order issues

    Fico auto scores are slightly different, going up to 900. Its weighted differently to tell lenders your liklihood of paying back an auto loan.
  3. Rossb2k

    Air 2~5 months Waiting Game

    Any reason why you don't want an inventory car? Other than the fact it may have been sitting in a lot for some time, what's the difference? Maybe you can see if you can negotiate some $ off the price...
  4. Rossb2k

    Leasing a 2023 GT....maybe

    He's asking for the money factor and such which isn't on the calculator, I was able to ask about them when I got to the stage of getting approved for the lease. I'm sure you could ask your delivery advisor as well. Don't forget to use a referral code, like the one in my profile! :)
  5. Rossb2k

    Need help deciding to buy

    Honestly I think most of us just carry the keyfob around. I know I do.
  6. Rossb2k

    Need help deciding to buy

    Is it as good as Tesla software? No. Is it good enough? Yes. You might want to take a look at the feature polls and see what kind of things aren't available yet. I don't consider any of them dealbreakers - though maybe things like sentry mode or android auto are to you. The other thing to...
  7. Rossb2k

    Regenerative braking

    You will never have regen at 100% battery. The energy has nowhere to go.
  8. Rossb2k

    SOLD Lucid Home Charging Station

  9. Rossb2k

    Motor's noise

    It is something that bothered me at first. A few months into owning the car, I never hear it anymore. Unless you absolutely can't stand the noise I wouldn't worry about it.
  10. Rossb2k

    Lucid home service communication issues

    I'm out in NJ and the one time I've scheduled mobile service, they communicated very well. The technician was actually sick the originally scheduled appointment - I was informed of this the night before (presumably after he called in) and was told a time for rescheduling. The tech showed up at...
  11. Rossb2k

    SOLD Lucid Home Charging Station

    New, in the box charging station. Never used. Will ship within the US. Make me an offer!
  12. Rossb2k

    Best 3rd party charger for home installation

    I also have a Juicebox 40amp and it's been fine. I did have trouble early on with scheduled charging (you need to turn off scheduling charging on the Juicebox and let the Lucid handle it) but the last few months have been rock solid.
  13. Rossb2k

    Tomorrows the day!

    You're making a terrible mistake and should donate the car to me instead.
  14. Rossb2k

    what is Discord ?

    There is nothing inherintly dangerous about Discord. I play games as a hobby and it is perfect for discussing various topics (you can split chat discussions into channels - for instance to discuss different games - you can host media, and have easily accessible voice chat and streaming. You can...
  15. Rossb2k

    CarPlay Disconnects, unusable at times

    Seems like it would be one of two things then. May be a hardware issue with the phone or the car. Do you have a second car with carplay you could test in the same area? If that works you know its a Lucid issue and can open a service ticket. Or, if it still doesn't work, may be an issue with the...
  16. Rossb2k

    CarPlay Disconnects, unusable at times

    I often drive through the tunnels and bridges to Manhattan where wireless signal is often limited or nonexistant and never have a problem with wireless carplay. I will say that I did notice that it can have connection issues if my iPhone is in my pocket vs in the wireless charger. Have you...
  17. Rossb2k

    Does The Air Remember Regen Settings?

    Each drive mode (smooth/swift/sprint) have their own regen setting. It should remember the regen setting you have for each of them. You can do a long press on the drive mode to see what regen you're in.
  18. Rossb2k

    New member needs Referral Code

    Clearly we need to put everyone's referral code into a database and then have a big spinny wheel game at the top of the forum to see which one you got...
  19. Rossb2k

    New member needs Referral Code

    Maybe direct referral swapping to the Discord, instead of going back on forth on the forum about it?
  20. Rossb2k

    PSA: Use a referral code

    Yes, contact your advsior and give them either the link or the code (the code is at the end of the link URL). They have also asked for the name of the person giving the referral in the past, you can probably DM someone on here for that if you're using one of ours.