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  1. Blue Lectroid

    Range Questions after first trip

    Yes, the efficiency of my 2025 AGT is quite remarkable. I have only driven it thus far in rather harsh, winter conditions (never above 45 degrees yet and most of it between 15 and 35 degrees) and thus far I am still averaging 3.85 mi/kWh. Today is going to be mid-50's here for the first time...
  2. Blue Lectroid

    How is the software?

    Great. Onward and (hopefully) upward!
  3. Blue Lectroid

    How is the software?

    I think the seemingly randomness of folks experiencing issues is, as much as anything, one of the most confounding aspect of these cars. @Cosmo Cruz you have had no isses on an early build. I have had a flawless experience on my 2025. My Dad picked his up 45 days after mine (also a 2025, but...
  4. Blue Lectroid

    How is the software?

    Sorry you have had issues with yours!!
  5. Blue Lectroid

    How is the software?

    What year and model is your Lucid?
  6. Blue Lectroid

    How is the software?

    I think that the UI and UX of my Lucid ‘25 AGT is my favorite of all time. Intuitive, beautiful to look at, uncluttered… I greatly prefer everything about it to my 2018 Tesla M3P that I sold late last year. Tesla’s software IS more “developed,” but I feel like they just keep stuffing things...
  7. Blue Lectroid

    Miles vs. Percentage in Front (dashboard) screen

    I have experience the left Pilot Panel’s estimate of range at destination the same way @borski describes…
  8. Blue Lectroid

    Four Seasons and Lucid Team Up to Offer Guests Sustainable Driving Experiences

    Well, 2 points… 1. If, like me, 100% of that energy comes from solar, it’s certainly cleaner than grid power. 2. EV’s are much more efficient than ICE vehicles and, as such also tend to have less of a carbon footprint. Not always, of course (e.g. Ford F150 Lightening likely has a higher...
  9. Blue Lectroid

    Anyone know of bidirectional charging status?

    No. Nothing can power your house without a transfer switch that isolates your has from the grid in case of a power outage, otherwise your battery (in your scenario) would sent current back to the grid and potentially fry any utility people working to fix things and reestablish power to your...
  10. Blue Lectroid

    J1772 emulation for V2L?

    You cannot legally connect your Lucid or a PowerWall or Solar Cells, or even a gas generator directly to the house without something to isolate the power source from the grid, so I am not sure I understand your question… That said, to only power something that you would correct directly to the...
  11. Blue Lectroid

    Could I get perspective on the issues with my 2024 Air Pure?

    I would ask Lucid if they’d let you end your lease early in exchange for leasing a 2025 version. My 2025 AGT has been flawless. There really has been a big step up in quality and even functionality of the cars in the 2025 model year…they did a pretty extensive mid-cycle refresh. By asking for...
  12. Blue Lectroid

    Miles vs. Percentage in Front (dashboard) screen

    The miles or percentage in the center cockpit screen is based on EPA. The remaining range at destination of the LEFT screen IS updated based on driving conditions, driving history, route chosen, etc.
  13. Blue Lectroid

    Successful UX 3.0 and we become a dual Lucid household

    I am MOSTLY there too. My 2025 AGT is a sublime driving car, and the software is “good enough” that the driving experience far outweighs the occasional software glitch. That said, my entry (phone or FOB) have been largely perfect so one major reported annoyance that folks have has been of no...
  14. Blue Lectroid

    Prospective New Owner

    Yeah, but then your missing out of 6-8 more months of incredible driving…
  15. Blue Lectroid

    Greater Seattle Potential Lease

    I would go DD Pro and wait for 19” wheels if you want maximum range and don’t drive overly aggressively…and, if you do drive hard, then 20” or 21”’s, BUT you WILL need to change wheels in winter. DD Pro is very much like Tesla Autopilot. I think you’d miss that on DD Premium…
  16. Blue Lectroid

    Prospective New Owner

    That would be my recommendation...the lease deals are great right now and still include the $7500 EV credit that may disappear and the 2025's have a lot of upgrades compared with earlier model years already...
  17. Blue Lectroid

    Prospective New Owner

    Interestingly, another possible take on what the sales rep said is that they are new and are confused between Air and Gravity as all of the features they mentioned are coming out on new Lucid vehicles...on Gravity. I really HOPE that a Lucid sales rep is not that poorly informed!
  18. Blue Lectroid

    2.6.2 Software Update

    If it stopped at 88 mph, they pushed the loaner version of the software to your car by mistake (assuming it’s not a loaner)…
  19. Blue Lectroid

    EA charging questions for new Lucid Owners w/o free charging

    I believe I believe it was 1000 kWh or one year, not $1000….
  20. Blue Lectroid

    Prospective New Owner

    That was kind of my thinking until I realized that in the middle of launching Gravity, they had the time to make a LOT of functional changes to the ‘25 Airs…new battery chemistry in the AGT, more efficient motors, new CPU in the infotainment screen, new thermal management…those are all more...