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  1. Blue Lectroid

    Wow!!! Lucid Air made it onto Car & Driver’s Ten Best for 2025.

    That would drive me nuts too. I have been VERY fortunate in that I have not had any issues with that thus far.
  2. Blue Lectroid

    Wow!!! Lucid Air made it onto Car & Driver’s Ten Best for 2025.

    Agreed, I have now had the car long enough to experience some of the remaining bugginess in the software. Nothing earth shattering, or scary (like the phantom braking I had early on with my Tesla), but little stuff like preferences changing on their own, needing to re-pair my phone, Nav system...
  3. Blue Lectroid

    Hello Lucid Owners!

    Funny, if you see a blue one with one Jersey plate (rear plate only) coming back there today that’s mine! I am so in love with this car. It’s headed back for a “make good” from my original 12/15 delivery due to the front light bar having some minor defects that we noticed on delivery. I am...
  4. Blue Lectroid

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    Funny, it was decidedly NOT a hypermile-y drive as on the way back home I had a friend with me who had never been in an EV (amazing to me in 2025, but there it is). He got the obligatory occasional hard accelerations at a couple of stoplights, going from 45mph coming off an on-ramp to...
  5. Blue Lectroid

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    And then there is the beauty of EFFICIENCY where we all know Lucid truly shines. IMHO, it is the combination of pack size, efficiency AND charging speed that makes Lucid a real leader in the EV world at this moment in time. I know that the attached screenshot is from an Air ('25 AGT, 19"...
  6. Blue Lectroid

    New to forum (8 months w/ '24 GT)

    Great to see you here!! Really enjoyed meeting you in Princeton last month. Welcome!!
  7. Blue Lectroid

    Open letter to Lucid after 7 months of ownership

    I do not at all doubt that you and others are having these issues. I have not (nor have my friends…with mobile key) and if I do start having them I will share that. That said, the mobile key in my Tesla WAS more temperamental than the Lucid has been thus far. Perhaps it’s just luck, who knows?
  8. Blue Lectroid

    Open letter to Lucid after 7 months of ownership

    I feel for you. I wish there was some rational explanation…perhaps try approaching the car routinely with your phone awake and in hand?
  9. Blue Lectroid

    Open letter to Lucid after 7 months of ownership

    Not at all accurate. I only know four people very well who have Licid Airs other than me. NONE of them have issue with their mobile key (or the FOB for that matter, although we all use the mobile key). When I was contemplating buying my car, the folks that I knew well laughed at me when I told...
  10. Blue Lectroid

    Open letter to Lucid after 7 months of ownership

    It most certainly was with my 2018 Tesla M3P. It frequently did not allow me to unlock the car when my phone was asleep. Also, on average, my experience with my Tesla failing to react to my mobile key, although not at all bad on average, was definitely worse than so far with my 2025 AGT. I'd...
  11. Blue Lectroid

    When will Gravity be available to test drive (Northern NJ)

    Let's both agree that we have very different views of how this is being handled. Viva la difference! BTW, I have purchased a fair number of shares EXACTLY because I believe in companies that play the long game...
  12. Blue Lectroid

    When will Gravity be available to test drive (Northern NJ)

    Lucid is very clearly playing the "long game." They are not in a rush even though many wish they would move faster. They are well financed, have a very deep-pocket, long term investor and I believe that they are executing a business plan built around being a dominant force in the EV space for...
  13. Blue Lectroid

    When will Gravity be available to test drive (Northern NJ)

    And I believe that you missed my point. OF COURSE Lucid already has the feature set and specs for the Touring! They probably had those set in stone a year ago at least. They are deliberately NOT sharing them at this time because it makes more sense financially for them to approach things this...
  14. Blue Lectroid

    When will Gravity be available to test drive (Northern NJ)

    With regard to customers trying to decide between a Grand Touring and Touring? If there is any doubt in their minds, they can simply wait for the Touring to be announced later this year. The Grand Touring will STILL be available after the Touring is announced, so how doe it impose on anyone to...
  15. Blue Lectroid

    Would you still buy a Lucid Air living over 600 miles away of a service center?

    Perhaps Lucid is willing to provide a loaner and flatbed the car for service? Obviously absent that I would be a “no” also until there is a closer service option.
  16. Blue Lectroid

    Would you still buy a Lucid Air living over 600 miles away of a service center?

    @kamleshpoza what model and where did you buy your car? Was it new or used?
  17. Blue Lectroid

    When will Gravity be available to test drive (Northern NJ)

    Why would no one think that when the CEO of the company said there would be an extremely slow production ramp (not even delivery ramp) in Q1 2025 the same day pricing was announced and in multiple interviews since? I mean really, I get how excited everyone is to get their Gravities, but give...
  18. Blue Lectroid

    Lease Deals are INSANELY GREAT

    Completely agree. Based on @jedwin’s answer above I am thinking that the money factor (interest rate) and residual structures are likely different at for different models (and even at different times). I too bought “factory direct” as a car with my specs was only available that way. It’s...
  19. Blue Lectroid

    My neighbor who works for Tesla just came by

    He’s not loving those sleek, elegant, well-thought-out lines of the Cybertruck? I’m surprised. It’s such a beautiful looking vehicle…if only when looking at my AGT I felt the same. LOL. Of course beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. Glad you’ve been able to bring a couple of folks into the...