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  1. W

    Quantum Grey vs. Cosmos Silver survey

    Our Zenith Red AGT attracts a lot of attention which has led to a lot of interesting conversations with people I never would have had.
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    LCID just went below $8

    I made 300K profit on Lucid earlier this year(january ). Got lucky on my timing when it went up and I sold my position Been watching it steadily go down since then. Decided it's time for me to take another chance, so I bought 10,000 shares today at $7.51. Liked that Bank of America came out...
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    This is the future of America

    And in Oregon electricity is cheap because we get our power produced by the Bonneville Dam.
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    Turn Radio Off

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    Turn Radio Off

    I find it annoying as well, as the volume is higher than what I want. Should not have to turn it down every single time I get into the car.
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    And People Are Writing About Problems Wthe Lucid. Just look At This!

    The good news is that I saw my first commercial for a Lucid on national TV. CNBC(the stock market channel).
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Thank you for your apology. Accepted. Actually, I am not a professional trader. I am self taught. I was a Podiatrist for 21 years. My wife who was my office manager advised me to retire early and trade stocks full time as I was consistently making 2-3x what I was I was making in my practice...
  8. W

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    If you wish to hurt yourself economically, that is your choice. The chances that LCID will shoot up dramatically in 31 days (though possible) is remote. A good poker player like a good stock investor makes bets when the odds favor him. If you wish to ignore the odds and not take advantage of...
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    He only has to wait 31 days after he sells his stock before he can buy it back so as not to invoke the wash/sale rule. If the stock remains at or below his sale price before the 31 days, then yes it is a very smart move. Even if the stock goes up a little higher than his sale, he will still...
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    Thank you from someone who hates the overdone reliance on menus and submenus. A few more dedicated buttons would be appreciated, not to mention safer. Too many times I have to look away from the road, where previously I had muscle memory of where the correct buttons were.
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Smart move. Reduce your tax burden this year and buy back next year.
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    2 week review and Winter tire issue

    I disagree. BMW, Porsche etc. all offer the option of ordering All Season or Summer tires when ordering their cars. A lot of owners do not want to order the 19 inch wheels because many feel they do not look as good as the 20's or 21's. In addition, you give up some cornering ability and...
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    My paperwork said 200. Car arrived with 20 miles on it.
  14. W

    Open Letter to Peter and Team - a rant

    If you sell for harvesting the tax loss, make sure you wait 30+ days to buy it back, otherwise you violate the wash/sale rule and the IRS will invalidate your loss. Sorry Harik, but I was afraid someone on this board would follow his advice and then be unpleasantly shocked, when their loss is...
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    Open Letter to Peter and Team - a rant

    I'm OK with that.
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    Open Letter to Peter and Team - a rant

    I disagree. There were many cogent points concerning delivery issues, flybys by Bear and many other statements which I feel many of the owners here would agree with. Some perhaps they were unaware of. I love my AGT, but welcome comments concerning all aspects of Lucid. Anytime we can learn...
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    19” wheels and tires

    Like wise, there was a simple control in my Porsche that let me reset TPS to accommodate winter wheel and tire change.
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    19" vs 21" Tires: Ride Quality/Range Difference

    We were all hoping for 20 inch all seasons(OEM)
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    Gray Weather Mats - Tahoe Interior

    If you are happy, then that's all that counts. We all have different opinions when it comes to colors.