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  1. W

    My Geico policy went way up today :)

    Just received my Insurance premiums here in Oregon. I bought my 2022 AGT in April 2022- cost to insure $3,192 I bought my 2023 BMW i4M50 in Dec. 2022 -cost to insure $1,498 Total $4690 yearly-increase of about $800+ Agreed value of cars: Lucid AGT-cost $132,000($139,500 less $7,500 tax...
  2. W

    My Geico policy went way up today :)

    That did not appear to be the case when I swerved and went over a curb to avoid hitting a car about 17 months ago. My car went to Bel-Red AutoRebuild in Seattle. My car sat there for over 2 months with nothing being done because they could not put the car on "the table" to evaluate the damage...
  3. W

    Collision. Bumper, left fender and AC compressor damage. Got $29k quote from Bed-red Auto in Bellevue.

    Whatever you do, do not let Bel-Red repair your car. They did an excellent job on my car, but the job took twice as long as they said, they refused to speak to me directly once my car was in their facility(stated they would only speak to my insurance agent) and there is no doubt they padded the...
  4. W

    Weak AC/Heater blower

    And yet both my wife and myself are disappointed that we cannot aim the vents to our face in the hot summer time because the dash lip prevents the vents from hitting our face. I guess everybody's expectations, likes and dislikes are different.
  5. W

    Electrify America Overpriced?

    Since this has come up more than once on this site, and some new owners are not aware of this, perhaps it would behoove Lucid to instruct new owners before delivery of their vehicle or during the orientation period. Simple fix. But should be emphasized when going over details of operation.
  6. W

    Are you planning to get another Lucid?

    You misread my response. I was talking about the new class of BMW that is supposed to come out in 2026-2027, not their present new cars. It is called the "Neue Klasse" and the design looks very intriguing.
  7. W

    Are you planning to get another Lucid?

    If that is the case, then my next car will not be a Lucid. I 'm hoping that if Lucid comes out with a smaller sedan they will offer a "Dream" edition that will have the the luxury, refinement, acceleration etc that I am used too in my present AGT. If not then I will seriously look at the new...
  8. W

    Are you planning to get another Lucid?

    I am also hoping that the mid size Lucid is the same equivalent as the AGT when it is released but just in a smaller size. I would not hesitate to order one as long as it has the same acceleration, handling and luxury etc. as the larger Air.
  9. W

    Are you planning to get another Lucid?

    I'm with you. JW
  10. W

    Weak AC/Heater blower

    I have a 22 AGT and have the exact same problem. Insufficient air flow except at the max fan setting in which case the fan noise is extremely loud. Service told me that there is nothing out of normal specs.
  11. W

    Speculation Lucid's Q1 2024 Results Analysis

    I believe that Lucid actually lost some sales of the DE by restricting it to 520. I would have ordered an DE, but I did not care for the color choice of white, black and gold. When they added Zenith Red, I changed my GT order to a Dream, was put on a waiting list but did not make the cut. I am...
  12. W

    Grand Touring vs Touring Features

    Actually, the DE has less range than the GT.
  13. W

    RESOLVED Is motor whine normal?

    I drive my AGT 50% of the time in Swift and 50% of the time in Sprint. The car is brutally fast and I love it. (With passengers in the car I drive just in Swift mode. Occasionally drive in Smooth mode part of the time on long trips to maximize range. Otherwise prefer the more aggressive modes.
  14. W

    RESOLVED Door won't open

    I have the reverse problem. MY wife drove my car the other day and when I switched my profile back to myself the passenger front door now will not lock. The exterior handle remains extended. In fact when I drove off the other day the passenger front door flew open. The only way to lock it is to...
  15. W

    Lucid Ocean? With Fisker now bankrupt, another EV automaker is swooping in on the trademark

    The Toronado was a model by Oldsmobile back in the 1960's.
  16. W

    Bad Efficiency? Read this first before creating another of the same topic.

    That's of one of the reasons that BMW sold 83,000 i4's last year(2023) even with its prominent nose. I have been pleasantly surprised that the range on my wife's i4M50 is pretty much on par with the rated EPA numbers.
  17. W

    Hold out for the Gravity, or get something else?

    Yes you did. My response was to MSaunder9430 comment. I accidentally clicked on your post instead of his.
  18. W

    Hold out for the Gravity, or get something else?

    That is not accurate. I received my AGT in April and we received my wife's BMW i4M50 in late December. I was able to get a $15,000 tax credit($7,500 for each car) because the BMW had a 14 month wait after it was ordered. As long as I had the documentation that the car was ordered and a deposit...
  19. W

    Mirror Folding - Works occasionally

    Drive slower!! Hard to do in my Lucid GT. LOL.
  20. W

    Mirror Folding - Works occasionally

    Same here. You have to be stopped for it to work and then it folds open to quickly before you get into your garage ,unless you are crawling below 5 mph. You should be able to fold the mirrors without having to first stop the car and the mirrors should not unfold until you go at least 10 mph.