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  1. DreamTour

    OTA Updates Not Possible to Chinese EV With Aftermarket parts

    All aftermarket mods for stereo basically work with the factory amps outputs, digitally reprocess them, then amplify them again. Thus there's no "digital" key possible because the output is basically an analog waveform. The factory amp wouldn't know what's behind it. So no real worries there...
  2. DreamTour

    Tesla Model Y to Lucia Air Pure

    If short term, a 24 is fine. The 25’s are nicer but it’s like a 1 year iPhone upgrade. Noticeable but not massive. The lucid will still be a huge step up from model y
  3. DreamTour

    Tesla Model Y to Lucia Air Pure

    I think part of the purchase issue now is financing rates aren’t what they were when air first came out. The lease terms are very generous right now imo because lucid is trying to move volume and the $7500 tax credit lets them out out attractive lease offers. If you lease, you still have the...
  4. DreamTour

    Tesla Model Y to Lucia Air Pure

    Is this a 25’ pure or 24’ pure? The 25’s just got updated so not expecting a near term update from there. my opinion is 18 months will go by really fast, so if you know it’s a short term gig, it might make sense or if you have concerns, you can hedge it. I bought mine outright when the car...
  5. DreamTour

    Tesla Model Y to Lucia Air Pure

    It’s all a matter of personal preference for options, but here’s how I would think about it relative to model y. Tires - by default the 19” will give you the most range. Traction is fine for the 19’s on pure because it’s power limited with a single rear motor. The 20” summer tires will take a...
  6. DreamTour

    Another simple subwoofer install with pics

    It should fit but depends on the enclosure. See this link for a custom one i had built.
  7. DreamTour

    Lucid Air aftermarket Hifi upgrade summary (and quality / configuration of the factory audio)

    Nicely done! I've recently been driving a touring loaner while mine is in the shop and the switch back the SSP from the aftermarket rig is huge. That said SSP is still a decent stock system. Did you find that you needed the 2nd battery or was it done out of caution? When I did my build, they...
  8. DreamTour

    Referral code

    Welcome to the Lucid movement! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions in the buy process. I own mine outright and believe it’s the best EV offering on the market. I put my reservation in August of 2020 and it’s been cool to watch the company grow (and see the growing pains). If you are...
  9. DreamTour

    Wanting to step into a Lucid, trouble deciding

    Hey there. IMO here's some considerations. 1.) Do you Need AWD? (It's nice but not necessary for light snow) The traction control is excellent with Pure RWD. If you have gone without AWD previously it will still be a step up from a traditional gasser RWD. 2.) Do you need/want more...
  10. DreamTour

    Battery replacement question

    Lucid's packs aren't any bigger than the competition's. BOM is probably like ~$20k ish for the 84-88kwh pack. Their thesis is smaller packs = how to drive down EV cost. 8-10 years down the road in reality you'd be buying used / remanufactured packs too as new would have moved on to new...
  11. DreamTour

    (Youtube) Lucid Gravity Walk Around at their Showroom in Plano

    Got to see some pre-production builds at the Lucid owner's event today at Lucid HQ. It really does look a lot better in person than on a photo. It has good proportions, i got a chance to lean inside a window too. I'd love to really get to see the inside once the final seats are in. From...
  12. DreamTour

    July 27, 2024 Bay Area Lucid Owners Club Rally & Owner Experience Event

    @OCDC didn't know you were the staff photographer! Also nice to run into JoeC and Airdoll. Great to put faces to names!
  13. DreamTour

    New(ish) Owner from San Francisco

    It was a good event, great turnout. Welcome to the boards!
  14. DreamTour

    Need referral code that can be used currently.

    I've got one left! Welcome to the Lucid movement! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions in the buy process. I own mine outright and believe it’s the best EV offering on the market. I put my reservation in August of 2020 and it’s been cool to watch the company grow (and see the growing...
  15. DreamTour

    Referral code needed

    Welcome to the Lucid movement! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions in the buy process. I own mine outright and believe it’s the best EV offering on the market. I put my reservation in August of 2020 and it’s been cool to watch the company grow (and see the growing pains). If you are...
  16. DreamTour

    Steering Wheel Creaking?

    4th replacement was the charm for me! (i had version 6,7,8 and 9!)
  17. DreamTour

    Referral Code Request

    Welcome to the Lucid movement! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions in the buy process. I own mine outright and believe it’s the best EV offering on the market. I put my reservation in August of 2020 and it’s been cool to watch the company grow (and see the growing pains). If you are...
  18. DreamTour

    Prospective Owner Looking For A Referral Code

    Welcome to the Lucid movement! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions in the buy process. I own mine outright and believe it’s the best EV offering on the market. I put my reservation in August of 2020 and it’s been cool to watch the company grow (and see the growing pains). If you are...
  19. DreamTour

    Lease 200k / 700k combined not supported

    I see on my insurance (progessive) the same thing as you, there isn't a way in their default policies to select 250k property damage liability or 750k combined limit through web quotes. You may have to phone quote it, I'm sure someone would write you a bigger policy (that you would pay for) I...
  20. DreamTour

    Tire bubble

    You just need Borski's tire shine and you'll never have a flat again!