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  1. DreamTour

    Poll: When will Lucid open Gravity Orders?

    I didn’t think to take a picture but was at millbrae today and the gravity interior trim swatches were up along with the posters. Some people were working on adding more displays for gravity too. So soon?
  2. DreamTour

    23 touring vs 22 gt

    I know it’s not apples to apples, but -250 lbs of weight loss is 5% on a 5000 lb car. The analogy I have is before I had kids I was definitely 5% less heavy. Being 225 ish lbs that’s 11 lbs. I remember being noticeably more nimble when I was 214 lbs than 225lbs. Do you remember when you...
  3. DreamTour

    23 touring vs 22 gt

    To be fair, nothing is about "need to have" at Luxo car strata. It's fun money, so if you have fun with it then it's worth it haha. I chuckle at the R1T's i see at the EA chargers. They are spotless and have the camper tent on the back that looks like its never been deployed. I guess it's...
  4. DreamTour

    23 touring vs 22 gt

    I guess if you drive in sprint all the time with a touring and don’t find it enough then that makes sense. I guess ditto if you drive in sprint all the time with a regular gt and don’t find it enough then gt performance. Where I am there’s so few places to use that power before running out of...
  5. DreamTour

    23 touring vs 22 gt

    Got a touring, would still do a touring. Handles better being 220 lbs lighter. I tried the massage seats in the loaners and they were fine but not a must have. The deeper rear footwell is a big comfort plus for backseat passengers. This isn't my roadtrip car though FWIW. Plenty for getting...
  6. DreamTour

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    Yay got my update last night, tried DD Pro. Much better now! Glad i got the Pro feature. Before it felt more like a lane keeping system, underdamped and you had to help it. Now it takes turns / maneuvers more confidently. I feel like they caught up with my old 2016 Model S in terms of...
  7. DreamTour

    Body damage to the roof and hood

    What's in the roof that makes you think its more expensive to repair than replacing the HV battery? AFAIK its a piece of aluminum, trim, and a few accent lights. The glass is the smaller windshield too not the big piece of curved glass. Something not in the picture?
  8. DreamTour

    Body damage to the roof and hood

    I'll set the line at $13k. Over or Under?
  9. DreamTour

    Great! You will love the car! Let me know if you have any questions.

    Great! You will love the car! Let me know if you have any questions.
  10. DreamTour

    Need a Referral Code Please

    Also, YMMV, i think sales people have been telling folks that, but in reality it's because they want to avoid re-building the entire order. Apparently their backend system isn't flexible enough. Needless to say, avoiding that at the start is better for all parties.
  11. DreamTour

    Need a Referral Code Please

    Welcome to the Lucid movement! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions in the buy process. I own mine outright and believe it’s the best EV offering on the market. I put my reservation in August of 2020 and it’s been cool to watch the company grow (and see the growing pains). If you are...
  12. DreamTour

    New Expecting Parent - Car Seat Recommendations?

    I have the Nuna Exec / Rava in the backseats and they work fine without seatbelt warning issue. When i had an infant, i had the uppababy mesa and it was fine too even using the latch system. I haven't found the weight sensor to be a trigger / annoyance.
  13. DreamTour

    Pure vs grand touring

    I met Peter when they were opening their Marin Studio we got on a discussion about tracking the Air / when the Stig was driving it at one of their PR events in the UK. He said "the car (GT) comes alive at 100 mph" The crazy part is the Air isn't even geared for lower speed torque.
  14. DreamTour

    Spotify versus Apple Music Sound Quality

    This thread might be helpful to get perspective.
  15. DreamTour

    Pure vs grand touring

    Kinda crazy how you have 3 different car personalities with just one model. Others cars that trim up or down you don't seem to notice much difference other than just the stated specs.
  16. DreamTour

    Referral code needed

    Welcome to the Lucid movement! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions in the buy process. I own mine outright and believe it’s the best EV offering on the market. I put my reservation in August of 2020 and it’s been cool to watch the company grow (and see the growing pains). If you are...
  17. DreamTour

    NO more Factory OR HQ Tour option for points?

    I bet they will be back... anything that drums up support for the brand is great. Just not practical during crunchtime.
  18. DreamTour

    OTA Updates Not Possible to Chinese EV With Aftermarket parts

    Bank error in your favor? Guess you'll find out soon!