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  1. DreamTour

    Let's play armchair CMO

    Hey all, Great discussion! The thing that everyone is talking about is advertising and promotion, which is just one facet of marketing. (Albeit the one you see) To unpack the idea behind what they could do better, we need to look at the underlying other factors to see where we agree /...
  2. DreamTour

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    What is a paid auto show vs not paid? I was at naias in 2014 when model x was unveiled, chatted with franz von holzhausen.
  3. DreamTour

    Let's play armchair CMO

    So I've been reading lots of thread about of Lucid can do better on marketing, but nothing strategic about what they could actually be doing better. We hear a lot of tactical they shoulda have done this, but nothing rolling up to a real consistent go to market strategy. Don't get me wrong, I...
  4. DreamTour

    Did the factory tour today, if you have referral pts and want to understand what you are investing in, I recommend it!

    The factory is way out there and really not setup for public tours. You basically need private chaperones. Also what you see in there are actual trade secrets so controlling information dissemination gets harder even with NDAs.
  5. DreamTour

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    Probably shouldn’t, but I can tell you it was discussed at a lucid owners event with a lucid engineering staff member. The discussion included how it’s not trivial to up convert the voltage at the desired amperage without bulking up the wunderbox.
  6. DreamTour

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    Gravity will have increased charge rate on legacy superchargers. The previous limitation was a design decision for Air to support legacy CCS chargers that were 400v for which there wasn't that many so investing a lot to have that backward compatibility wasn't worth it. With access to...
  7. DreamTour

    Lucid Air aftermarket Hifi upgrade summary (and quality / configuration of the factory audio)

    I have not gotten pushed the update, I am very curious to know what they changed. Hoping that they improved the digital source quality at the minimum, maybe they improved the upmixing algorithm? Since my system was retuned after the factory tune any general tuning would not benefit from just...
  8. DreamTour

    Did the factory tour today, if you have referral pts and want to understand what you are investing in, I recommend it!

    Didn’t have to do a w9 either. But maybe because I covered my own airfare? Dunno if others had to do it.
  9. DreamTour

    Did the factory tour today, if you have referral pts and want to understand what you are investing in, I recommend it!

    Didn't get 1099'ed. It's an experience, so no tangible value transfer. I guess they buy you doughnuts and lunch haha. When i got flown as media in my auto blogging days by GM and the like, i never got 1099'ed for the comped flights and hotels. Also i did not get charged sales tax (referral...
  10. DreamTour

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    Air black was a metallic black, gravity will be a flat black. (Note the different black names)
  11. DreamTour

    Gravity Orders Discussion

    The Gravity black is different from the original air black fyi The gravity black is different from the air black fwiw.
  12. DreamTour

    Did the factory tour today, if you have referral pts and want to understand what you are investing in, I recommend it!

    Can't say anything about what i saw, but i would tell you its well worth it if you really want to understand what you are buying into beyond the vision. This is a quality first, no shortcuts ethos. Pretty much the opposite of churning them out as cheaply as possible a la tesla. I think we got...
  13. DreamTour

    Lucid gravity order begins Nov 7

    I didn’t care to get gt on my air because it’s not a road tripper car. On the other hand 440 mi range for gt would be important for me given that’s ideal range. Assuming touring will be 20% or so less range. But we shall see
  14. DreamTour

    Lucid gravity order begins Nov 7

    Agree just flying under the radar until elections clear, probably same reasons for earnings date. Why schedule your presser for the same day as the superbowl? Well actually the reason would be that you want no one to pay attention but you have to do a press release. I'm going to the factory...
  15. DreamTour

    Those who have done the factory tour, when did you get contacted about itinerary?

    It's 2 weeks to the tour date and I haven't heard a thing about it. I did email in twice and heard nothing back, customer care doesn't seem to know anything about it. Should I be concerned? I've booked travel already, just making sure it's actually happening. Anyone else sign up for November...
  16. DreamTour

    Poll: When will Lucid open Gravity Orders?

    I’m going in the factory tour in November… guess I’ll look around for borski’s gravity.
  17. DreamTour

    Lucid Announces Public Offering of Common Stock and Corresponding Investment by an Affiliate of PIF

    I think the difference is that CT released less than 1 year ago and Air has been out since late 2021. And all the hoopla of 1 million reservations. EV discounting was happening before Nov 2023. Not really surprising though given that Cybertruck was marketed as "sub 50k".
  18. DreamTour

    Lucid Announces Public Offering of Common Stock and Corresponding Investment by an Affiliate of PIF

    Patience will be rewarded. Fisker went straight to the "high volume segment" out the door and now they are defunct. There's still lots for Lucid to sort out to be able to handle that scale. Not just making the cars but keeping them on the road. Given that they aren't taking any "safe bets"...
  19. DreamTour

    NO more Factory OR HQ Tour option for points?

    Well I am going now! See anyone else who is going there!
  20. DreamTour

    NO more Factory OR HQ Tour option for points?

    Seems to suggest that enough work done on the factory for Gravity that they opened this up again?