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  1. Steve181

    Referral code request

    Here is mine.
  2. Steve181

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    Blue: I think over half are in Ca. But you do have drones. Steve
  3. Steve181

    RESOLVED 2025 Air Pure - Where is 12 Socket?

    Found it with a flashlight. The cloth pull tab had been buried beneath it, and I had to use a screwdriver to prey open the panel. Thanks all!
  4. Steve181

    RESOLVED 2025 Air Pure - Where is 12 Socket?

    Can someone else with a 2025 please confirm that its there or not there, or send a pix of where it is. Thanks
  5. Steve181

    NEW Wiring Harness Recall - Recent Air Pure

    That is serious. We depend on our cars. The impacted ones in the date range should be immediatly repaired and not have to call service form the middle of the highway.
  6. Steve181

    RESOLVED 2025 Air Pure - Where is 12 Socket?

    Help: I have a 2025 Air Pure, manufactured in October 2024. Where is the 12 V socket? My trunk looks very different from the pictures on pages 104-105 of the manual. I have looked within the car and console area, but cant find it there either.
  7. Steve181

    2025 Charging Update

    Lucken: You may be right on the Lucid having stronger regen. How much that is appreciated may depend where and how you drive. Most of my trips are short and below 50 MPH. I find the standard (actually high compared to the Clarity) to be too abrupt and the cause of the sea sickness others...
  8. Steve181

    2025 Charging Update

    My Clarity was 100% always charged with the Honda 110 V wall charger. I always plugged it in every night. It was a late 2017 purchase (2018 model) and I kept it for 7 years. I had wanted a Volt, but it was impossible to get one here. I'm glad I got the Clarity instead. Honda had engineered the...
  9. Steve181

    Is There a List of Valid "Hey Lucid" Commands and Syntax?

    1- Can some Lucid employee on this blog please get us the list of valid commands, or.. 2 - We as a group should contribute our findings as to what works and what doesent... or 3 - I doubt that Lucid developed the main part of its voice recognition system and hardware. The likey...
  10. Steve181

    Regenerative braking

    Yes After 2 weeks, my brain - foot links are getting slowly reclibrated. I am in the Regen off mode less often now.
  11. Steve181

    2025 Charging Update

    P.P.S - My car came witnh a $1000 charger credit, so I used that to by a (massively overpriced) $650 Lucid mobile charger at zero net cost to me.
  12. Steve181

    2025 Charging Update

    I also just bought (delivered a few weeks ago) an Air Pure sight and drive unseen. I use a level 1 110 V charger in my garage, and plan to use road chargers when travelling. I dont see my own need for a tesla charge yet. P.S. - I came from a Honda Clarity electric (Hybrid) with good user...
  13. Steve181

    Is There a List of Valid "Hey Lucid" Commands and Syntax?

    As my wife quoted Ricky Ricardo: "Hey Loosey" Seriously, this should be a 1 day job for whoever designed the UI.
  14. Steve181

    Is There a List of Valid "Hey Lucid" Commands and Syntax?

    Here is what I need: Hey Lucid Headquarters- Since this will change often as you update the UI, you should post it as an online document. Steve;
  15. Steve181

    Is There a List of Valid "Hey Lucid" Commands and Syntax?

    I have been experimenting with using voice commands and documenting the valid syntax. Thus far I have discovered: 1 - It will not work on driving items, like "put Regen into low." 2 - It works well for temperature and blower settings. 3 - When I asked it to retract mirrors it replied "use...
  16. Steve181

    Lucid Marketing Ideas and Thoughts

    Great!! Thank you - that shows they may attract mall customers! (I did not get to that old Sears end on the inside.)
  17. Steve181

    New accelerator curve?

    In my 2025 pure (2.5.3), Standard Mode is the maximum Regen. The lower mode is called Low. But I do also notice the odd transient in decelleration.
  18. Steve181

    New accelerator curve?

    I noticed something similar. I'm on a 2025 Pure V 2.5.3.
  19. Steve181

    Lucid Marketing Ideas and Thoughts

    I love my new Pure, but as my wife says: "You have to want the car - they dont sell it." Its like going to a 'speakeasy' to beg entrance to buy one. I live in SC, but on the Wed. before Thanksgiving this year, I finally was near enough to a Lucid studio (in Natick Mall Mass.) to visit. It was...
  20. Steve181

    BEWARE of Misleading Sales Specialists

    I live in a charger desert. The nearest public high speed J1772 charger is about 50 miles away.