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  1. Ksa23

    Seattle Area

    Have you heard anything on your order @Wes ? Its been crickets for me.
  2. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Sweet! Expecting mine any day now!
  3. Ksa23

    Best home wifi router?

    Perfect throughput. I use plus one addon for 3 total. Full gigabit to 2 of my coax drops and 2-3ms of latency added.
  4. Ksa23

    Best home wifi router?

    +1 to Ubiquiti and the Amplifi line, however is it overkill for most, as is any Mesh line above $400 or so. I use it myself, and inject my gigabit into our coax with MoCA adapters. If you're set on a new setup, I would just preorder the new Google Nest Mesh Wifi Pro with Wifi 6E and keep it...
  5. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    I need a hit of VIN assignments to keep my enthusiasm going
  6. Ksa23

    Post your lease figures

    Ill be posting mine as soon as I'm invited to apply.
  7. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Am I the only one that wants to have mine delivered with v1.x? Id like to experience the vehicle on the old software for a few weeks, then see the improvements of 2.0 first hand.
  8. Ksa23

    Hunting wild Lucid Airs

    A true Lucid fan would have taken a different exit later then ;)
  9. Ksa23

    Rear-view mirror - curb view

    I absolutely agree.. "$30k" cars are backed by established behemoths that don't blink an eye at $1b in software development. Lucid is an incredibly slim operating in comparison.
  10. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Good problem to have considering the tough year Lucid has had.
  11. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    How exciting! Interesting how the car just appeared onsite before any agreements were signed. They must be pushing them out to service centers ASAP. If you're feeling kind, can you ask if they're starting to see more White deliveries? :D Its been so quiet since August, except 2 or so folks.
  12. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    That's page one of this thread. You'll just need to post what you ordered, and when confirmed. The mods have a thankless job of updating the original post with your info.
  13. Ksa23

    New Scottsdale member

    Congrats! What colors did you order? I'd add your response to
  14. Ksa23

    Q3 ~ 3700

    No guessing going on here, just insider knowledge from a publicly traded company. Production numbers are highly confidential. This isn't the only post on here.
  15. Ksa23

    What would you like to see from the Lucid mobile app?

    Question for you dog owners.. how the hell are you not worried about your pups trashing the interior with their claws? I'd love to let mine in but worried about damage..
  16. Ksa23

    Q3 ~ 3700

    I hope this forum is never dragged into a lawsuit or subpoenaed for these insider knowledge posts.
  17. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Just checked with my DA AND!!!!! No VIN yet! I shall continue to wait. (June 13 White/Santa Cruz)
  18. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Some life in White VINs! Great to hear, congrats. Do you know if it was a reallocation or does it sound like a brand new production for you?
  19. Ksa23

    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Is this wishful thinking on your part or have you heard/seen news on White VINs? I suspect there has to be movement for White vehicles pretty soon.. Its been very quiet. Crossing my fingers