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  1. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    @mnewber1, In all the excitement of Friday 4/15 I forgot whether I had posted that I received my car. I did, and it is breathtaking.
  2. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Just got word that my car is leaving the factory this afternoon, headed to the Houston service center. Maybe at my house next week?
  3. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    I am quite sure they simply don't know. Yes, their CRM plan is weak and can be frustrating. They are in California, not the factory. The factory is scrambling to get parts and materials sorted and likely don't have time to gab on the phone with lowly DAs. Should this all be better? Obviously...
  4. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Originally confirmed 12/6. I changed to the 21" wheels and was told the change would push my build order back. A few days later I got the 12/27 confirmation.
  5. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    VIN! Just got the call. Confirmed 12/27, Red, Santa Cruz, 21" DA said "about 2 weeks". I'm in Arlington, Texas.
  6. ac.bill

    Independent EV Mechanics…..

    After going through an automated car wash and getting the under-body sprayed a warning light popped up on the dash of my 2018 Chevy Volt. I pushed the OnStar button and a cheerful customer service rep told me it looked like a sensor connection had gotten wet. I was told the car was safe to drive...
  7. ac.bill

    Independent EV Mechanics…..

    Here's one popular independent EV shop. There are more. Weber State University (Utah) offers automotive technician training and certification classes. This includes training for EVs. Their YouTube channel is popular, especially for those curious about what's...
  8. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Wow! GT in Red looks Hot! I'm glad of that since that is what I am waiting for. Congratulations
  9. ac.bill

    EA Charging

    I always keep some on hand. Better safe than sorry.
  10. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Deliveries?

    This past year Ford assembled and stored tens of thousands of pickups that were then moved to storage waiting for an electronic ADAS component. This was better, they judged, than shutting down production lines waiting for that one part to trickle in. Later that year Ford had issues with...
  11. ac.bill


    Thanks. I'll save this until I have my VIN. Have a GT on order and got the call that production was starting on that version. I suspect it will still be some time, but once this supply issue is sorted out things could move quickly.
  12. ac.bill


    Yeah, $4,000/yr isn't cheap for maximum deductibles. Progressive said to call them when I have a VIN. Whatever policy I land on I know it's not going to be cheap though.
  13. ac.bill

    Lucid going on sale in Germany ... This Year!

    YouTube car reviewer and EV fan (first outsider to drive the Taycan) tweeted about going to a secret peek at a very special EV. A little bit later I stumbled across This Article in the German paper Westdeutsche Zeitung. Lead paragraph translated: "Beverly Hills In the USA, it is currently...
  14. ac.bill

    If delivery target is not met due to fit and finish issues

    I have no inside knowledge but don't see any reason they couldn't. They know the facilities they have and that was their forecast. They missed the 520 by 1/1 goal but that was reportedly a vendor issue that brought deliveries to a standstill for a time. That of course would be a much faster...
  15. ac.bill

    Grand Touring Delivery

    Same. I got my call today. No VIN yet, but things are happening. Exited and nervous.
  16. ac.bill

    If delivery target is not met due to fit and finish issues

    No, it doesn't tell us anything one way or the other. The Air is a big sedan and big sedans don't sell in large numbers today. Tesla never sold 30,000 Model Ss in a year. The extra space and the new factory needs to be in place to start volume production of the Gravity SUV. Suvs sell in large...
  17. ac.bill

    potential newbie

    I like RWD and was tempted by the Pure. Awkwardly, I also like raw power. So I ordered a GT
  18. ac.bill

    Waiting for my red GT

    There are times I think about leaving Texas and moving back to the green hills of Upstate New York where I spent my youth in small town bliss. We would walk to the lake for swimming or fishing, ride bikes all day, 'camp out' in the back yard lying in the cool grass and clover. And then I...