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  1. ac.bill

    As June 30th is near anyone else on the fence to cancel or proceed?

    Well, it's deciding day. Would be interesting to see if the phones are ringing today at Lucid. I've had my GT for a while now. Couldn't be happier. I enjoy driving, always have, not really concerned about the software. It's a driver's car.
  2. ac.bill

    Launch Mode

    You made another video too. Feel like sharing that one with this crowd?
  3. ac.bill

    Launch Mode

    Sure, I've tried launch mode. Honestly it feels like abusing the car. Those drive units are absolute gems of close tolerance engineering. Shock-loading them for no reason is certain to wear components much more quickly.
  4. ac.bill

    Launch Mode

    Just FYI, It launches the same way but doesn't say "Launch Mode" if the TC is off. With warm tires on grippy pavement I didn't feel any wheelspin.
  5. ac.bill

    Touring Delivery Tracker [Archive]

    I apologize if this has already been answered. Note the price difference. Price increased on 6/1. It is likely that only people who reserved earlier will be getting their car this year since the number of cars reserved far exceeds this year's production goal. On the bright side, Bear's Workshop...
  6. ac.bill

    Smile, you're on candid camera.....

    It seems that everywhere I go people come up to me, ask about the car, compliment it, even take pictures. I've been stalked and photographed on busy local freeways. I had one guy roll down his window and talk to me as we waited at a traffic light. I try to be very accommodating, but in moving...
  7. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    Other EVs I have driven did use regen when cruise control was on.
  8. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    Thanks to the driving crew and especially @SaratogaLefty for providing this useful data. It includes useful real-world data points for the EV community to begin working on a profile for our vehicles. Sorry for hijacking your thread while you were out driving. It got a little out of control.
  9. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    Thanks! That is useful to know.
  10. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    I am very anxious for somebody to hack the Lucid's network. It had no OBDII port, only ethernet. Regen seems very high in this car. Most EVs can only turn about 30-something% of kinetic energy back into stored chemical energy. It will be great to see if Lucid has moved the bar there as well. I'm...
  11. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    As long as you only drive in the summer and only travel to Chyenne and Trinidad you'll be racking up the high (low) all time score! This is also why Out Of Spec Reviews range test videos in Colorado need to be taken with a grain of salt.
  12. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    Yes! I seldom see it mentioned but driving in the thinner air of higher elevations absolutely reduces resistance from the air you pass through. I did the math once (long forgotten number, low double digits%) after riding through a-state-with-ski-resorts at go-to-jail speeds and getting 50mpg on...
  13. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    I tend to be very competitive. Is it from ADD? Too much coffee? Who knows, but it tends to make me drive too fast. Over the years as my cars got faster and faster (and maybe my hair got grayer) it became unreasonable to push the limits in traffic. That's when I discovered hypermiling. It allows...
  14. ac.bill

    Average mi/kwh

    Other suggestion: Check your tire pressure before starting to drive for the day. It's important to check when the tire is cold since the pressure will increase as you drive and the tire warms. Even the morning sun shining on a tire raises its pressure slightly. Tire pressure has a huge impact on...
  15. ac.bill

    OBDII port

    Thanks, guys.
  16. ac.bill

    OBDII port

    Any further news on this? Has anyone found an OBD post or been able to read data from the ethernet?
  17. ac.bill

    Lucid on the track

    I do strongly recommend taking an on track driving school, whether or not you ever intend to take the Lucid on track. In a driving school you are in a safe controlled environment, no racing, and have an instructor in the car to guide you as you learn new techniques and get to practice them. You...
  18. ac.bill

    Real world mileage: boston to NYC

    241 just now.
  19. ac.bill

    Real world mileage: boston to NYC

    I just got back from my first drive of any distance in my Air GT w/ 21" wheels. Steady freeway driving after charging to 80% at an off-freeway EA 350kW charger got me 3.1 mi/kWh. Temp was 70-73F, 18mph cross wind, flat Texas highway all driven on cruise control at the speed limit that varied...
  20. ac.bill

    Lucid on the track

    I have a good bit of track time on both 2 and 4 wheels. I strongly recommend that you use a different car for your first time on track. Many driving schools have cars that they rent for that purpose. Once you are comfortable on track you will be much better prepared. The limits of the Air's...