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  1. copper

    How Much Range Are You Actually Getting?

    I'm hopeful that transitioning the infotainment away from virtualized to native will solve this power consumption issue when the car wakes from sleep. A VM can be an insane power hog, especially here. As for the battery dying, that's a pretty rotten experience. Sorry that happened to you!
  2. copper

    Lucid start to drive time

    Ran a few tests of my AGT for this and averaged 31sec from mobile key wake to everything on. However, I've had a few times where it took longer, usually the cameras being slow to load. I've been using the mobile key since I took delivery and only had one time where it didn't recognize me within...
  3. copper

    Smooth with a slight spring

    My first thought was concrete roads and the seams causing a psuedo-standing-wave effect when driving. There's a few bridges and tunnels in the SF Bay Area that cause this, depending on the wheelbase of the car. Mine gets it in the westbound Caldecott tunnel for example. However, since you're...
  4. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    For San Mateo or SF county residents, SF Federal has 1.49% for 60mo EV loans.
  5. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    What diameter ring did you use?
  6. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    …I’m 100% in favor of this plan. Would not need a bunch of Air’s, but 3 would probably get enough examples to verify.
  7. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    You’d probably the first Lucid in eastern Washington. Tri-Cities or Spokane?
  8. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Thanks! When I measured the stereo with @borski I noticed two distinct output levels on the response graph: one from 150->47hz and one from 47->26hz. This could be the result of two separate subs with slightly different frequency ranges (not surprising with 21 individual drivers), an artificial...
  9. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Quick notes on delivery and day 1 for all you soon-to-be Lucid owners. I’ll be doing a much more thorough guide early next week. Delivery experience: Jessop in Millbrae was fantastic as usual. We had the papers signed in five minutes and then got onboarded in the car. My wife ended up spending...
  10. copper


    I…might need to check with OCDetailing about that wrap…
  11. copper


    The white is deeply metallic and looks epic. I wanted blue too, but white won’t let you down.
  12. copper

    Air GT Driving Impressions (both 19” and 21” wheels)

    There is the low speed pedestrian alert tone which emits at 17mph and under, and then the electric motor sound. There is no artificial sound pumped into the cabin :) Edit: I also happen to love that motor sound. The auditory feedback is nice to have.
  13. copper

    Formula E

    So front MGU by Atieva, but Williams is doing the batteries. Interesting.
  14. copper

    Q1 Earnings Call

    We should submit a few and all vote together on them.
  15. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Dude! Glad you got your VIN finally. Can't wait for pictures :D
  16. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Mine arrived a week before @Coltonw011 and I’m picking up tomorrow. I think they just have a lot of cars to inspect. The team there has been excellent and I was told to expect about this time range for PDI.
  17. copper

    Rivian Chassis Welding

    True about being functional. I can't judge the integrity of it from a photo :)
  18. copper

    Rivian Chassis Welding

    ...that does look pretty shoddy. I've made better welds than that. Clearly hand-done instead of by machine. Supposedly the quality of the build is excellent in general, so I'm really surprised to see that on a production car.