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  1. copper

    Average mi/kwh

    Stats so far for my GT on 19” wheels: “Very spirited“ driving gets around 2.3 (ie: sprint mode lots and blasting at every chance I can get, freeway well over 75mph) Mildly spirited driving gets around 3.3 (sprint up an on ramp maybe 1-2 times in an otherwise sedate drive, freeway ~75mph)...
  2. copper

    8 Days, 945 Miles

    Yep, I set up shortcuts for everything. The main issue is they’ll time out often when the car is asleep. If the car is awake it’s great, but it takes upwards of 20-30sec to wake and be able to respond to a request. The current infotainment is running inside a VM on the in-car computer, so I’m...
  3. copper

    San Diego to Dallas trip notes

    Agreed - pressing on it is something it I’ve shied away from due to the pressure required to make it open. A feature is not something we should have to avoid for fear of damage.
  4. copper

    8 Days, 945 Miles

    Agreed that the app is way too slow when the car is asleep. I frankly haven’t done enough shopping over the last week to decide if the app slowness will overcome my reluctance to use a fob.
  5. copper

    8 Days, 945 Miles

    I’d actually prefer to use Siri. My E-class wagon had a hands free lift gate and I loved that, and two armfuls of Trader Joe’s bags makes it a bit of a pain :P
  6. copper

    San Diego to Dallas trip notes

    @Bill55 that wind and dust is exactly why I’m going for PPF. A member of an FB group I’m in had his Tesla Model Y stuck in a dust storm, with it nearly destroying the paint. Interesting to note about the charge port alignment. Are you opening it by pressing on it or from inside the cockpit? I...
  7. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    You can study, work or worship in SF or San Mateo county, or join MyPath as well to qualify (I haven’t investigated that option in detail) Edit: I think working remotely for an employer based in the county works too.
  8. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    If you haven’t paid already and are in the Bay Area, check SF Federal Credit Union. They still have 1.49% for a 60mo EV loan. Sarah Tovar was my loan officer and they did a great job with everything - highly recommended.
  9. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    Glad it helped. I decided on the lucid because I want to enjoy the drive as much as possible while giving up as little as possible in comfort and range. So far it has fulfilled exactly that. I’ve been very aware of the concerns people have, so the minor nature of any issues so far is a pleasant...
  10. copper

    8 Days, 945 Miles

    Hey, now we all know to be careful about that! You’re doing us a service… ;) My car will be out for a week for PPF starting Monday and then in for several days at service right after I get it back. I’ll have almost two weeks without a lucid…those will be dark days.
  11. copper

    8 Days, 945 Miles

    Glad you enjoyed! Good to know about the signal - figured it could be an easy fix. For the app, I’ll try that next time. When leaving home I usually have already woken it to set the climate, but yesterday when I hit up the butcher (Pape Meats in Millbrae) o had to stand there for ~30sec for...
  12. copper

    Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

    As promised, here’s my delayed-because-I-was-having-too-much-fun initial review.
  13. copper

    8 Days, 945 Miles

    I would have posted my impressions earlier, but I‘m having too much fun. TL;DR: I absolutely love this car. It is pretty much everything I’d hoped for. The only issues so far have been very minor. I seek out every single flimsy excuse to drive that I can come up with. The Full Shebang...
  14. copper

    Air Pure or Model Y or just wait longer?

    Ionia 5 over the Model Y. Friend of mine got one and loves it. I’ve been very impressed with it as well. Overall it has better practicality, good range, Hyundai’s excellent warranty & build quality, and frankly is just a fun little car that is very nice to be in. Another option soon is the...
  15. copper


    Oh man, I’m sorry to hear that! Hope it gets sorted fast :(
  16. copper

    New License Plate Installed

    The Eletre looks epic. I’m a fan of low slung sporty SUV’s for some reason. If I didn’t end up getting my AGT I was likely going to just wait a year for the Eletre.
  17. copper

    Lucid start to drive time

    I love the watch app! I just wish it would wait for wake instead of being unable to connect, since once connected the response of the car to the app is almost instant. I have Siri shortcuts for opening/closing the trunk/frunk. Very convenient when loaded down from a Trader Joe's run.
  18. copper

    Lucid start to drive time

    I'd try using one or the other and then see. Maybe turn off the mobile key and use the fob? It should be much faster with the fob since it is using wake-on-NFC which is usually instant.
  19. copper

    How Much Range Are You Actually Getting?

    That's my thinking as well. I've put 430 miles on the car since Friday morning (@borski dude, I cannot stop) and so far my biggest range enemy is myself. This car is so easy to do >80mph in that I find myself doing it without thinking. I'm so used to my wife's palisade which needs some real...