Recent content by Viktor VonDoom

  1. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    Yep… I have one available..
  2. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    Yes…. I have one available
  3. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    My apologies....Check your PM's now....I think I messaged someone else thinking that I messaged you.... You should have one from me with my contact info...
  4. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    One of the two are sold....One is still available..
  5. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    Yes....I have 2 available....I'll send you a direct message
  6. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    Yep.....Send me a message, and we can go from there....
  7. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    Drop to $600 shipped... 2 available...
  8. V

    SOLD New Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (80 Amps, 240 Volt)

    Brand new in box....Box only opened to show contents. $700 if picked up locally, or will ship for $50. Picture of the one on the wall shows what it looks like installed. Located in Jacksonville, Fl.32250
  9. V

    Wanted LCHCS for sale?

    I have one new in box....$750 shipped.