Recent content by Theo

  1. T

    Feedback on seeing Gravity in Vegas

    If that’s the case, you are in trouble, when you see it in person. You might as well pull the trigger on the order to get in line. At the ride height in the picture with the Escalade, it resembles more of a wagon or crossover. That wouldn’t work well for me, because I often need significant...
  2. T

    Feedback on seeing Gravity in Vegas

    No, unfortunately. In hindsight, there are quite a few things that I wish I had tried, but I was there for one primary check out the interior space. However, I did try navigating the pilot panel a bit. I could be wrong, because it is laid out a little differently than the Air, but...
  3. T

    Feedback on seeing Gravity in Vegas

    I have never been in either the R15 or EV9, but I did sit in the Gravity. I always feel badly when I have passengers in my current vehicles who say' "That's ok. I don't mind sitting in the third row". Then watch them try to graciously fold themselves in there without complaining. I really...
  4. T

    Feedback on seeing Gravity in Vegas

    No. Sorry. The only EV I’ve ever been in the driver seat of is my Air, after it was delivered to my driveway, until I sat in the Gravity. That being said, I love the comfort of driving the Air, even on long trips. It was the most comfortable seat of any vehicle I’ve owned. However, I felt that...
  5. T

    Gravity: Get in up close and personal plus 4 Airs - This week only in Las Vegas

    Thank you very much for posting this! I happen to be on a family vacation in Vegas and went to see the Gravity as a result.
  6. T

    Feedback on seeing Gravity in Vegas

    I'm glad it was helpful. My wife is also 6'1" (shorter than her father and both her brother and sister), but she wasn't available to go with us to see the Gravity. I would feel totally comfortable putting her family in all of the rows of this vehicle, without worrying about them being cramped...
  7. T

    Feedback on seeing Gravity in Vegas

    Many thanks to those who posted on the forum that the Gravity was at Resorts World in Las Vegas! We happen to be on a family trip in Las Vegas, and my son noticed a Gravity driving down the strip last night. We speculated about why it was there. I have been excited to see a Gravity, especially...