I’m guessing they want to address this scenario somehow even though highly unlikely … get free fast charging at EA then bring the power back home or someplace else?
There should be no problem going with aftermarket wheels ... especially If you are duplicating the factory wheel and tire sizes. However if you are deviating from the factory configuration, the key things to consider are correct widths and offsets.
For custom configurations, you can always...
Glad to hear there were no serious injuries. I have a feeling the Air didn't experience enough deceleration combined with the impact to set off the airbags? I'm curious to know what the hidden damages are though. Looks like there is a lot.
Congratulations on your new car ...
There are many variables to consider. I am in CA and had my Tesla solar installed about 5 years ago in anticipation of eventually getting a BEV. SCE continues to pay me every year so I only use the free DC fast charging on road trips.
Looks like the link is already down. But you’re right. I believe the GT-P is the only Air that features the NON-STEALTH aero-sport wheels from the factory.