Recent content by Sleekdunga

  1. Sleekdunga

    RESOLVED Low Battery Message Error

    I just experienced this same issue. How do you power cycle if the vehicle is locked
  2. Sleekdunga

    Took Delivery

    It’s a 2024 Pure RWD on 19” and at time of purchase it was advertised as 419miles
  3. Sleekdunga

    Took Delivery

    I live by Mansfield Tx. Not seen much of lucid around. I finally took delivery of my air pure. To my greatest disappointment, at full charge I am getting 406 instead of 419 estimated range. Not sure if there are similar experiences!!! Please let me know if you had similar challenge. What are the...
  4. Sleekdunga

    Looking for a Referral Code

    Thank you, I will be using your referral code