Recent content by PewPew

  1. P

    Motortrend's yearlong Air review ends!

    I’ve gotten used to it but having friends or family stand there while i try to get my car to unlock is…embarrassing at best. Combine that with the um, quirky software, really hard to recommend it to other people.
  2. P

    Steering wheel creaking

    My 4th wheel just developed a slight creak. Just a month or two in. Between this and the parcel shelf I’m kinda losing it 😭😅
  3. P

    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.52

    Is this update still rolling out? Still haven't had it pushed to mine.
  4. P

    Easy Entry

    Is it possible to fix the typo in the title 😅. Partly for my OCD but also to make it easy to find for others instead of making a duplicate thread (like I did the other day)
  5. P

    mi/$ not that great in CA for EVs?

    I think those EV rates require a separate meter installation and such which is not always feasible. > which are $0.26 off peak and exorbitant outside of that lol. Where is it even this low? Both EV-A and EV-B are 34c + off-peak according to PGE plans page, and all time of use plans are above...
  6. P

    mi/$ not that great in CA for EVs?

    Price per kWh with PGE is around $0.38. That means that if you're doing ~3 mi/kWh, you're getting about 7.9mi/$. Gas prices are ~$4.25, which means that you're getting ~33mpg equivalent. In reality, with vampire drain and such, I'm doing closer to 2.5mi/kWh which is ~27mpg equivalent. Feels like...
  7. P

    Feature request: automatically lower volume when open door

    I’d love this too. The suggestions on taking extra steps is missing the point I feel. This car segment is about people who care about the details. I also own an old Model S, and I hate whenever that feels more luxurious than my Lucid 😉
  8. P

    Easy Entry Position Customization.

    I find the current implementation of Easy Entry unusable. I’d love to be able to customize the position like Tesla allows. As it is, the seat always moves all the way back and down which is not an easy way for me to get out. Anyone else end up turning the feature off because the “easy entry”...
  9. P

    USB port wattage rating

    Mine’s a Dream 96 so definitely not a revision thing 😄
  10. P

    USB port wattage rating

    Does anyone know what the expected wattage of the USB-C ports is, and if it should be the same for all of them? A while back, I noticed that all the ports have been topping out at 15w. I checked again recently and they now seem to provide 27w (12V 2.25A). Weirdest of all, the front USB delivered...
  11. P

    RESOLVED Rough transition from HOLD to acceleration

    I did some hard brakes at highway speeds with Standard regen and it actually has substantially improved the sound! Still not seamless like other EVs but much improved. I guess the brakes are not getting much use typically with High regen
  12. P

    Steering wheel creaking

    I'm on my 4th steering wheel, and according to the rep, it's something like revision 8? I feel bad about the wasted resources at this point, I hope this time it's finally fixed :D
  13. P

    Lidar Blocked whenever it rains - what does the Lidar do?

    Every single time for me, for as long as I've had this car, whenever there's light rain. Service rep said it is kinda common and they might address it in software. In the Bay so not a common occurrence but still kind of a bummer
  14. P

    RESOLVED Rough transition from HOLD to acceleration

    I guess it's variable from car to car. Mine is very noticeable and even includes a slight jerking. It kinda takes the joy away from blasting off from the light compared to other cars 😓 I'll give the breaking a try
  15. P

    RESOLVED Rough transition from HOLD to acceleration

    Mine's really rough sounding, I don't think I'll ever get used to it :( . If the car wasn't so roll prone, I'd leave the HOLD off but it rolls super easily without it. Knowing that other cars do this with imperceptible smoothness makes it worse 😓