Recent content by MoniputerLM

  1. MoniputerLM

    Range Questions after first trip

    I notice the same "range evaporation" when I drive is colder weather. What has changed in the current software is that while using navigation, the miles left at destination seems to be accurate.
  2. MoniputerLM

    Battery replacement campaign?

    The battery in my car, DE #185, was also proactively replaced.
  3. MoniputerLM

    UX 2.5 OTA Update

    I like the gradual slow down at highway speed much better.
  4. MoniputerLM

    Lucid Customer Care response time

    I always text or call and have never had an issue with response time.
  5. MoniputerLM

    2.4.10 Update

    No, it's just "improved"! :cool:
  6. MoniputerLM

    2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3 / 2.4.4 OTA

    I have been on 2.4.2 for several days. Updated to 2.4.3 this morning but there were no release notes. Does anyone know what changed?
  7. MoniputerLM

    Houston Lucid’s and Lattes

    The best part of the event, for me, was having Lucid corporate people actually tell us what they are working on in software and hardware fixes for things like poor base from the sub-woofers! It was a great time, and I hope they do more events here.
  8. MoniputerLM

    Lucid CEO critiques other EV-SUVs

    Ok, IMHO, the Gravity might end up being a good vehicle but it's NOT an SUV but more like a squashed mini-van. So, I don't think that it competes with Rivian more likely the Cadillac Lyric. I want a full-size SUV EV and the Gravity might have a lot of room and power but it's not for me because...
  9. MoniputerLM

    Chargepoint Home Flex unit issues maybe solved

    There may be issues with ChargePoint but I have no issues charging our EQS or Hummer. The workaround that I use for the Lucid is to make sure that the car is awake and ready to charge before plugging in the ChargePoint cable.
  10. MoniputerLM

    Android Auto Thursday

    I have been driving various cars for over 57 years. We have 5 cars and only one, guess which one and the most expensive, doesn't have AA native. I like using Google Maps and would be happy to have that even without the full AA integration, for now. Our Ford, GM and Mercedes vehicles have...
  11. MoniputerLM

    Android Auto Thursday

    I have been waiting for 2.5 years, that's long enough.
  12. MoniputerLM

    Body shop concerns

    There is only one Lucid approved body shop in Houston. State Farm didn't like that and took months to get them to pay.
  13. MoniputerLM

    Off-Topic GMC Hummer EV

    So true! :cool:
  14. MoniputerLM

    Off-Topic GMC Hummer EV

    The Hummer is great if you are a Jeep fan. I am not. I want leather and luxury. The Hummer drives well and has great tech, just not for me.