Recent content by LALucid

  1. L

    End of Lease Experience

    Noticed that lucid has personal lease returns under the pre owned tab on their website.
  2. L

    For Sale 5 x 21in Wheels for sale ($1,900 OBO). Los Angeles

    Bump, available again. DM offers
  3. L

    For Sale 5 x 21in Wheels for sale ($1,900 OBO). Los Angeles

    Deal. DM me and we can go from there
  4. L

    19 inch to 21 or 22 inch

    I have a set of 21in rims and tires for sale in Los Angeles if your interested.
  5. L

    Referral Code Request

    Feel free to use mine, it is not maxed out
  6. L

    For Sale 5 x 21in Wheels for sale ($1,900 OBO). Los Angeles

    Bump. Open to best offers.
  7. L

    For Sale 5 x 21in Wheels for sale ($1,900 OBO). Los Angeles

    5 wheels, one has a small bubble. Local pickup preferred. Reach out with any questions.
  8. L

    SOLD 19” Lucid All Season Wheel Tire Package

    Interested if shipping is an option
  9. L

    Referral Code
  10. L

    No more home chargers available for referral rewards?

    Ahh, makes sense!
  11. L

    No more home chargers available for referral rewards?

    Went to use reward points and cannot select charger anymore. Anyone else have this problem?