Am I alone in liking the new features of the updates Android app but generally disliking the UI of it? Some things l liked about the old app that were removed/changed:
- There's no indicator on the main screen of the app saying that it is trying to wake the car. I've only seen that when I...
I just realized that you got your car a year and a half before I got mine. But that's still a crazy amount of mileage. Especially with the stable of other vehicles you have!
Anyone else ever get this message? It might be because it's cold and I'm running the defrost at the same time. But I have been using the same charging setup for 2 years and never got this alert before.
Anyone else ever get this message? Posting here because I just updated my app and it's the first time I've seen it. I'm unsure if it's related. But I'm using the same charging setup I've used since day 1. Never saw the message before saying Not enough power to charge. But it still seems to...
Oh wow. Not rookie at all. You really are putting as many miles on as I am if you are not at 2 years yet. I think most of the GT owners with mileage close to mine have had their cars almost a year longer