Recent content by EWdreaming

  1. E

    New to the whole EV thing

    Hi All, I'm Liam and I just got a new Fathom Blue Stealth Air Pure. This is my first EV and wanted to test the water with a Lucid. I have to say, so far I am loving it. I have no range anxiety and recently took it on a trip from NYC to Washington DC without needing to stop to charge. I tend to...
  2. E

    May 2024 lease payment

    This is very good information. Thanks everyone. A little disappointed I didn’t get in when it was around 500. I do not plan to purchase at the end of the lease. This is because the wife is adamant she want a Gravity if we another lucid after this. I am working with lucid now to find a car that...
  3. E

    May 2024 lease payment

    Thanks. I will use your code.
  4. E

    May 2024 lease payment

    Hi all, I am looking to get a lease on a Pure Air. I saw a few post on lease payments in the 500s in April. I spoke with Lucid today and getting number in the 700 range for a lucid pure prices at about 75000 with the discounts. Plus an additional 2500-2700 down. I am wondering if anyone has any...