Does any know where bi-directional charging is on the Lucid road map?
I purchased my car 2 years ago after reading all the promises from Lucid about 3 years ago:
1. Bi-directional charging
2. Some form of hands free driving
3. Android auto
PETER, how long are we supposed to wait for the...
Get used to it. I will take heat for this, but the range claims by Lucid are no where near reality. In my driving experience over 16,000 miles, you would have to go downhill with a 50MPH wind at your back to realize the advertised range by Lucid. EA is a total joke. I stopped trying after...
If they dropped in price that is not better. It's worse. I lost even more money.
The post is 2 years old? What is the hold up? Thanks for making my point.
Your experience with Tesla may be interesting to you, but Tesla is not the issue here. No matter what your truth is...