Recent content by DavidMaulsby

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    Share your best pic!

    I love the way Zenith Red reflects the world around it, especially when coated with PPF and ceramic :-)
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    RESOLVED Rear Deck Creaking Noise

    I noticed the same noise awhile back and yesterday the deck lid ground its way into the rear window, resulting ground glass and a large crack. Scheduled for service on Monday. Looks like a design flaw, as even slight misalignment in the trunk hinge puts the window at risk.
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    RESOLVED Rear Deck Creaking Noise

    I have a slightly different creaking trunk issue: the clamshell makes a creaking sound on the lefthand side as it opens up, as if the rubber gasket is catching on something.
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Grand Touring Zenith Red Tahoe Order # AD9155-40211 delivered and ready for pickup Nov 4
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

    Confirmation Date: 2022 Jun 14 Exterior/Interior Color: Zenith Red / Tahoe VIN/Delivery dates: VIN 2022 Sep 12; Delivery TBD