Do you know anything about progress of software fixes? Besides intermittent radio and HA this car is perfect. and like someone said, if my radio glitches and I don't want to stop for a minute and reboot, I can do car play.
Turning off curb rash assist had no effect. On long trip yesterday, HA was intermittent. I do think driving is safer with it and dram drive pro was one of the reasons i bought the car.
Remind me how to do the hard reset (not pressing the Air symbol
I figured the cold was the issue
my car is brand new and the HA works for long periods on long trips then every now and then it doesn't work until restarted so i doubt the cameras are dying
Thanks for what you are doing for our community
Your videos are awesome. How many of your 50 suggestions have been implemented?
I love the experience that is Lucid. Absolutely the best driving car ever, expecially after driving a Model S P100D for 8 years.
Do you have any insight as to the progress being made on fixing software...