Recent content by acronce

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    Low coolant warning

    Since there's been no evidence of a leak, and since the techs testing showed that the coolant level held after increasing it and doing further testing, I have to assume that the car was delivered this way. Maybe that would indicate a process problem? They did rush the delivery to make it happen...
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    Low coolant warning

    I started seeing a Low Coolant Warning within the first few days of ownership. The first time was after returning from a road trip (we went to an event about 100 miles away the day after I picked the car up). After getting back I was heading to an EV charge site with a pretty low SOC (10%?) and...
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    My 3 Month Review

    Great video! Thanks for taking the time. I can't get my wife to drive my GT either (yet). I've also seen that same problem where CarPlay thinks it's playing music but no sound comes out (usually after pausing and leaving the car). One work around that my son figured out was to go to Music on...
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    Charging Performance after 2.1.52 HV Preconditioning improvements

    There was a long wait for my first (and only) EA charge on my GT (about 40 minutes preconditioning). It started at 266 kW at 10% SoC. By 25% SoC it was charging at 207 kW. By 55% it fell to 138 kW. It continued to drop of course, but got to 80% SoC in 33 minutes with 79 kWh delivered (according...
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    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.52

    Interesting. I might try that next time. I had the same problem after updating, but the following worked for me: Logo reset. Use Settings > Connectivity > Devices to find the phone in the list. Press the CarPlay icon on the right side of the phone device row. A separate problem that happens...
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    Permanent button for Homelink

    But pressing a button is so much work ;) I've already got the automation working. It's really nice to just drive up and have the garage open automatically. Home link still pops up, but I just ignore it. Automatic close was a bit trickier because I don't want to close the door on my wife, but I...
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    Permanent button for Homelink

    Perfect! Thank you @hydbob! It's that second automation that I'm interested in. Looks easy to adapt to my set up.
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    Permanent button for Homelink

    Thanks, but that link doesn't work? I've tried a bunch of searches ("Home Assistant Automations", "yaml", etc.) but haven't found that post. Sorry to be a pain...
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    Permanent button for Homelink

    I've got an OpenGarage installed (from a time before I got into building my own ESP8266/32 sensors and relays) and integrated with HA. @borski can you share your car detection/garage door opening automation? I already have your awesome Lucid integration installed, but currently all I've done...
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    FEATURE OTA Update 2.1.52

    The side mirror feature is very welcome addition! It's one of the things I missed going from an Acura RL to the GT. Sure I have DDP and that's great. But sometimes also want to use my eyes. Nice that I heard about the update first from my Home Assistant server. Hats off to @borski for the...