Hold out for the Gravity, or get something else?

Also to be fair, the lucid is kinda bubbly too. I like it and have one, but it is def somewhat egg shaped also.
Air looks bubbly? No way……the Merc EVs are the ones that look like an egg, and no frunk, more cramped- lazy engineering, or maybe they don’t have a lie how to build an EV
Looks are subjective. People either love or hate the air. I like the looks. But yes, I do think it is bubbly also.
Looks are subjective. People either love or hate the air. I like the looks. But yes, I do think it is bubbly also.
I think the Air looks like a more svelt, squat bubble compared to the Mercs. I enjoy the aerodynamic appearance of the Air, and the range is a bonus.
Sure but the OP was asking about an SUV. I didn’t bring up sales someone else did. But in a post referencing SUVs one would think the convo was regarding SUVs not sedans. No reason to mention sedan sales in a post about SUVs when you can’t compare as lucid doesn’t have one out yet. I was always referring to the EQS suv not sedan. Anyway, I don’t think lucid suv will outsell the eqs. I don’t see lucid pushing 30k gravity’s a year for quite some time, but I could be wrong.