FEATURE 2024 Wishlist Survey

I’m a scardy (spelling?) cat when it comes to backing in. Accept my garage… I’m almost a pro. And auto park scares me even more 😅. Like whhhhyyyyyyyy can’t Luci auto park with no cars on either side!!!!???!!!!
I'm the same way. Not scared to back into a parking spot, but just not very good at it and very slow. Except my garage, which I have to do every day.
Whats the point? For over 2 years the number one request is the ability to use the Cameras as a dash cam and sentry security. You mean in over 2 years they could not get this done? I am loosing hope and starting to think about selling my AGT. Still waiting for all the Dream Drive promises also and its starting to feel like I bought another early Tesla.
Fellow Lucid enthusiast, the 2024 Wishlist Survey has gone live! We will run this one for a few weeks and then report the results to Lucid! Enjoy!

“Shop Manual” with info and instructions on routine maintenance that could be accomplished by owners, e.g., topping off the coolant.
Having just found an available air to get the 5000k bonus, i wish there was a way to search for all cars available NOW nationwide on the lucid website instead of having to input the zipcode of each studio.