Recent content by thecodingart

  1. thecodingart

    Per the New York Times, Lucid owners are “tedious rich people”

    This isn't entirely false... It's a bit harsher than where I'd place it but ultimately there isn't a laundry list of good things I can say about NYC in general. I will say that NYT is the only group in recent memory that has a union for their software engineers on this coast and have been...
  2. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    This is after redeeming the HQ and Factory tour stuff #nonhumblebrag Almost halfway to that 1 million for a free car ;) ;).
  3. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    This is actually pretty darn funny. A fun fact about the 3D models + SceneKit + Lighting situation - for best color accuracy you really want to use HDR lighting/assets/rendering. It's pretty funny when you do that in an app and cause the whole screen to go into HDR mode (cough Reddit cough).
  4. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    It’s totally a gimmick but there is a technical gain and future potential unlocked. 3D models are far more customizable and flexible then a giant repository of 2D images. They also unlock future opportunities for visual flair and interactions. This comes across as bare bones because it’s a...
  5. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    I don't have the surveys on hand so unfortunately not (I can't recall). I do know that this was something thrown in my face multiple times via the design and product teams 😅
  6. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    It's notice-ably faster for me. I have a slight feeling part of this is due to the performance of Flutter apps on a cold start vs a native app. It's mind boggling how much of a change that made.
  7. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    Yeah, this is a valid take (one I initially had myself). This ties into the entire concept of "personalization" and "gamification" which builds on customer loyalty. Tesla sort of proved this out and other car manufactures have definitely run user testings on this. You'd be surprised, but the 2...
  8. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    As an incremental improvement (and something I implemented previously), would be great if they could let users selectively apply some material colors on different areas for personalization. I believe Tesla added that capability in car a while back. Depending on how they sliced up the model...
  9. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    I'm not going to lie, this is a very odd issue for an actual native application to have... and quite unexpected without something really funky happening behind the scenes. I get the 3D space not scaling gracefully from a bug, but the navigation bar and the tab bar are ... unexpected. Definitely...
  10. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    Cool, with respect my decade plus of Big Tech, Small Tech, and Fortune 500 experience is hyper focused around this area of expertise. It’s unlikely for most people to not have used at least 1 app I’ve had a large hand in at some point. Lecturing me on this topic is, well, funny. This is my...
  11. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    Also, this isn’t what I’m saying nor did the examples I provided break Apples terms… They were concretely loops holes vetted by a legal team, some 100% still are. For example, companies recording screen metadata and reconstructing UI rather actual screen recording without user consent. It’s a...
  12. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    This has similarly been a part of my job with a pretty tight loop and the same tools with a hyper focus on iOS. My original background and mentorship was NSA bound 😅. Anyways, if you understand iOS dev and this then my points stand.
  13. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    How I wish the Air had this in it — even if it was just in the 2024 models.
  14. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    There's a lot of things that make Paak slow for all manufacturers unfortunately. Ironically, Tesla has bypassed some of this at the sake of security. But quite a few OEMs use iBeacon like technology to wake up your phone and have quite rigorous rules on filtering distance for security reasons...
  15. thecodingart

    Lucid app update v1.49.0

    Professionally speaking, I'm in 100% disagreement with this. I have more than enough insight and experience in this area to just no that any assumption this isn't a thing anymore for the most popular companies is an incorrect statement + no. It's just factually untrue as an assertion. Heck...